Collectors of internal revenue, before they enter upon the duties of their offices, are required -to execute a bond in such an amount as the commissioner shall prescribe, with not less than five sureties, to be approved by the solicitor of the treasury, conditioned that the collector shall faithfullyporforin the duties of his office according to law’, and shall justly and faithfully account for and pay over to the United States, 45 * all public moneys which may come into his hands or possession. Provision is also made that such bond shall he filed in the office of the first comptroller of the treasury, and the requirement is that the collector shall, from time to time, renew, strengthen, and increase his official bond, as the secretary of the treasury may direct, with such further conditions as the commissioner shall prescribe. 13 St. at Large, 225; Rev. St. § 3143. Authority is given to such collector to appoint as many deputies as he may think proper, to be by him compensated for their services; and he may require such an appointee to give bond, and may revoke the appointment whenever he pleases, giving duo notice to the commissioner. Id.; Rev. St. § 3148. Sufficient appears to show that the defendants in the court below were sureties on the official bond set forth in the record, which was given by the principal to the plaintiffs as collector of internal revenue. Default having been made by the principal, the plaintiffs instituted the present action against his sureties to recover the amount of public moneys in the hands of the principal which he failed to pay over as required by the terms of the bond. Service was made, and the defendants appeared and set up the several defences specified in their pleadings. Issue being joined, the parties went to trial in the district court, and the verdict and judgment were in favor of the plaintiffs. Exceptions were filed by the defendants, and they sued
1. Had the bond been annexed to the transcript, it might properly have been certified as a part of it by the register of the treasury. Rev. St. § 886. But it was not, and for that reason falls within a prior section, which provides that copies of any books, records, papers, or documents in any of the executive departments, authenticated under the seals of such departments, respectively, shall be admitted in evidence, equally with the originals thereof. Rev. St. § 882. Documents of the kind are not in the possession of the register, nor has
2. Both parties used the certified copy of the bond during the trial, but the defendants objected to its admission in evidence, because it contains the condition, in addition to those specifically named in the act of congress, that the obligors shall not be liable, if each and every deputy appointed by the collector shall truly and faithfully execute and discharge all the duties of such deputy collector according to law; the argument being that a bond, though in all other respects correct, is not such a bond as the act of congress requires if it contains that provision. Law and justice concur that the collector is responsible for the acts and doings of his deputies, as they are his appointees, and the act of congress requires him to compensate them for their services. They are, in a certain sense, his agents; and, inasmuch as he is responsible for their acts, he may require every such appointee to execute to him a bond, with sureties, for the faithful performance of his duties. Whether such provision is or not contained in the bond of the collector, he is responsible for the acts and doings of his deputies; and I am of the opinion that the provision is justified by the- due construction of the act of congress, and that the objection is without merit. Suppose it were otherwise, still the objection to the ruling of the court cannot prevail, as it is shown that the bond, even though not authorized by the act of congress, would be valid as a common-law contract. U. S. v. Tingey, 5 Pet. 114, 128; U. S. v. Bradley, 10 Pet. 343-362; Tyler v. Hand, 7 How. 573-583; U. S. v. Hodson, 10 Wall. 395, 406.
3. Due settlement of the account of the collector had been made by the accounting officers of the department, and the plaintiffs offered the certified transcript of the same in evidence, to which the defendants objected, insisting that the transcript is not competent evidence in this ease, which is an action against the sureties, without joining the principal. Sureties are clearly liable for the defaults of the principal, to the extent that the same are covered by the official bond;
4. Subsequent to the date of the bond in suit congress passed an act requiring stamps to bo prepared for distilled spirits, tobacco, snuff, and cigars, and authorized the commissioner to issue the same to any collector, upon his requisition, in such numbers as should he necessary for the district of such a collector. 15 St. at Large, 137, 151. Stamps of the kind were issued to the collector in the form of books, containing tax-paid stamps, and the stamps were charged to the collector at their Ml value. Monthly returns of the stamps issued to distillers were required to he made by the collector to the commissioner. Id. 138. Charges for such stamps not accounted for were contained in the claim of the plaintiffs, and when they offered proof to sustain the charge the defendants objected to its admissibility, and requested the court to rule that the sureties in the bond were not liable for such a charge, as the collector was not required to perform any such duty at the date of the bond. Such a bond is given for the protection of the government, and the sureties, as well as the principal, covenant that the collector “shall truly and faithfully execute and discharge all the duties of the said office, according to law; and that he shall justly and faithfully account for and pay over to the United States, in compliance with the orders and regulations of the secretary of the treasury, all public moneys which may come into his hands or possession.” Much discussion of this topic is quite unnecessary, as the authorities everywhere show that
5. Official accounts of a collector must be settled by the proper officers of the treasury department; and, when duly settled, a transcript of the same may be certified by the register of the treasury under the seal of the department; but one of the quarterly returns of the collector was certified by the assistant secretary of the treasury, and when it was offered in evidence by the plaintiffs the defendants objected to its admissibility, and now assign for error the ruling of the court in admitting the document to be read to the jury. All admit that it might have been authenticated by the secretary'of the treasury, and, if so, it is clear that the certificate of the assistant secretary, under the seal of the department, is equally regular and valid. Assistant secretaries in the treasury department are appointed under the authority of an act of congress, with power to perform such duties in the office of the head of the department as he may prescribe, or as the law directs. 9 St. at Large, 396; Rev. St. § 245. Extensive duties are assigned to such, and in case of the death, resignation, absence, or sickness of the secretary, the proper assistant is required by law, unless otherwise directed by the president, to perform all the duties of the department until a successor is appointed, or such absence or sickness shall cease. Rev. St. § 177. Nothing appearing to the contrary, the legal presumption is that the certificate was made in pursuance of a lawful authority, and, being under the seal of the department, it is sufficient to show that the ruling of the court is correct.
6. Money was received by the collector to await the result of an attempt to compromise, and was retained by him. Evidence to prove that fact was offered by the plaintiffs, to which the defendants objected, insisting that the money was not public money; but the court overruled the objection and
7. Department regulations are frequently printed in the form of circulars, and furnished to collectors for their instruction and guidance in the performance of their duties. Such a regulation was offered in evidence by the plaintiffs; and having been admitted by the court, subject to the objection of the defendants, the ruling of the court is made the foundation of the seventh assignment of errors. Sworn testimony showed that a duplicate copy of the same was found in a book kept by the collector, in which large numbers of treasury circulars from the commissioner were posted, which the deputy collector turned over to the successor of the collector appointed in his place. Deposits of the kind, in cases arising under the revenue laws, are received by tho collector in his official character, and the regulations of the department require him to place the same to the order of the secretary, in the office of the assistant treasurer, as soon as it is received. Plainly, his sureties contracted that he would comply with that regulation. By the verdict, it is established that he did not do so in either of the cases mentioned. Beyond all question tho money became public money the moment the offer of compromise was accepted, within the true intent and meaning of the bond executed by the sureties. Nor is it doubted that all the obligors in the bond would have been, liable even if the offer of compromise had not been accepted; hut it is not necessary to decide that point, as the jury were fully warranted in finding that both the offers were accepted.
8. Two cases of the kind are mentioned in tho record, and in respect to the last, the plaintiffs called the deputy collector, who testified that the person therein named came to him and said that he was charged with a criminal offence under the revenue law, which he wished to settle; that he wished to
9. Notice was given to the collector by the commissioner that he must execute and forward to the office, at the earliest practicable moment, an additional bond as collector, in the sum of $100,000. Pursuant to that notice, the collector executed such a bond, and procured it to be signed by five sureties, two of whom were the same as those on the bond in suit. Affidavits, in proper form, as to the responsibility of the sureties, were annexed, and the same were forwarded to the department, but nothing was heard from the bond, and no communication was had concerning the same. Proof was given by the defendants that the deputy of the collector, after the suit was commenced, saw both bonds in the office of the comptroller, and that he read the same sufficiently to see that
10. Oral evidence was introduced by the defendants showing that two of the sureties in the bond became dissatisfied,
11. Enough appeared to show that the letter from the collector of the customs to the commissioner could not be found, but the defendants did not offer to prove its contents. Parcl testimony was given subsequently respecting the bond, and, on cross-examination of the first-named defendant, he was
Tested by these several considerations, it is clear that the rulings of the court below are correct, and that there are no errors in the record.
Judgment affirmed.