2:06-cv-00870 | W.D. La. | Oct 26, 2006

RECE\VED '|N L_AKE CHARLES, |_A g T 6 2008 UNITED STATES DISTR]CT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF LOU[S[ANA sosaat H. sHEMwELL, ct_£m< wEsTsRN oostch ot l_oulslANA LAKE CHARLES DIVISION MARCKENSON CERMONT : DOCKET NO. 2:06-cv-870 VS. : JUDGE MINALDI DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION & : MAGISTRATE JUDGE WILSON CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT, ET AL. M There being no objection to the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law in the Report and Recommendation of the Magistrate Judge previously filed herein these findings and conclusions are accepted. Alternatively, this court concludes that the proposed findings and conclusions are entirely correct. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that the “Motion to Dismiss” [doc. 12] be GRANTED and that this petition be DENIED AND DISMISSED WI'I`H PREJUDICE as moot. THUs DoNE AND slGNED in Chambers at Lake Chanes, Louisiana, this &U day of EQC`§ §§ S=Q)§ ,2006. UN TED sTATEs DISTRICT JUDGE