delivered the opinion of the Court
This case has been twice argued. There were two suits brought against the defendant company to recover damages for the injuries complained of; one by the father, in his own right,' the other, which is the present case, by the boy who was injured. They were argued together, and the writ in each case quashed, for the reason that but one writ was issued to bring up the two cases. As they were fully argued we deemed it proper to express our opinion upon the merits. No fault was found with our view of the case in which the father sued in his own right, but as to the present case the learned counsel for the plaintiff was of opinion that we had not given due consideration to the distinction which exists between children and adults in the matter of contributory negligence. A second writ of error was accordingly sued out, and was heard at the last terna in the western district.
A re-consideration of the case, aided by the second argument, has failed to satisfy us of any error in the former opinion. The distinction referred to was not lost sight of. It is true we did not discuss it then, nor do we propose to do so now, for the reason that, conceding all that is claimed for it, no negligence was shown or offered to be shown, on the part of the defendant company. All the conductor did was to order the plaintiff off
From the best consideration we can give this case we are of opinion the judgment must be Affirmed.