delivered tbe opinion of tbe Court.
Tbe County Court of Campbell made an order for tbe building of a new court bouse in Jacksboro’, the seat of Justice, and appointed five commissioners to make
The first and only question that need be considered is, whether any citizen of a county has the right to appeal from such an order of the County Court. We think it very clear that no such right exists. The right is claimed under the act of 1844, ch. 99, Nich. Sup., 11. It provides, that when “any person may conceive himself aggrieved by any decree or decision of any County Court, or by said County Court making allowances out of the public Or county moneys,” an appeal may be taken by any one aggrieved. The decrees or decisions meant by this act, are such as relate to or directly affect an individual, and not those general police orders, which affect all the citizens alike. It would be intolerable to allow the County Courts to be obstructed and harrassed by every man who might be dissatisfied with such orders, as they might deem necessary for the general good, and to litigate their power with any or every citizen. All their decrees or decisions touching the- rights of any particular individual, may be appealed from, by the person so affected, but none other. Even an order for the levying of a county tax, which touches the' interest of every tax-payer, does not fall under this act, as was decided in Obion County Court vs. Marr, 8 Humph., 638. Because, as the Court hold, that was a
The judgment dismissing the certiorari was right, and must be affirmed.