1:13-cv-10835 | D. Mass. | Apr 10, 2013

Case 1:13-CV-10835-DPW Document 18 Filed 04/10/13 Page 1 of 5 Case MDL No. 2428 Docurnent 162 Filed 04!10!13 Page 1 of 5 UN_ITED STATES JUDICIAL PANEL on MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION IN .RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO!NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION MDL No. 2428 (SEE ATTACHED SCI-IEDULE) CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO ~1) On March 29, 201 3, the Panel transferred 7 civil action(s) to the United States Distriet Court for the Distriet of Massachusctts for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1407. See __F.Supp.Zd_ (J.P.M.L. 2013). Since that timc, no additional action(s) have been transferred to the Distriet of Massachusetts. With the consent of that court, all such actions have been assigned to the Honorable Douglas P Woodlock. It appears that the aetion(s) on this conditional transfer order involve questions of fact that arc common to the actions previously transferred to thc Distriet of Massachusetls and assigned to Judge Woodlock. Pursuant to Rulc 7. 1 of the l`\_’u|§§ of Progedpr re glt he twith §Latcs ,!pdi ;j§l nggl 911 Mnltiglis;rig; ,thc action(s) on the attached schedule arc transferred under 28 U. S. C §l40? to the Distriet of Massaehusetts for thc reasons stated m the order of March 29, 2013, and With the consent of that eourt, assigned to the Honorable Douglas P Woodloek. This order does not become effective until it is filed in the Offiee of the Clcrk of the United States Distriet Court for the Distriet of Massaehusetts. The transmittal of this order to said Clerk shall be stayed 7 days from thc entry thereof. lf any party files a notice of opposition with the Clcrk of the Panel within this T-day period` the stay will be continued until further order of the Pancl. FOR THE PANEL: |nasmuch as no objection is pending at this time. the ]Cflc€l’y N. Liilhi amy 'S "n°d' Clerl< of the Panel Apr 1 O, 201 3 CLERK'S OFFlCE ur~uTEo sTATEs JUD|CIAL PANEL ON MuLnolsmler unewnou Case 1:13-CV-10835-DPW Document 18 Filed 04/10/13 Page 2 of 5 Case N|DL No. 2428 Docurnent 162 Filed 04}101'13 Page 2 of 5 IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS LIABILITY L.lTIGATION MDL No. 2428 SCHEDULE CTO-l - TAG-ALONG ACTIONS DlSIDILQ.A.N.Q. ALABAMA M]DDLE A-]:»M 2 -1-3-94-1-9§ ALABAMA NORTHERN ALN 2 12-04132 ALN 2 12-04141 ALN 2 13-00371 AI:N 4 42-94+3-1- ALN 4 12*04133 A-I=N 4 -l-Z--Q-4-l-4% ALN 5 l2-04130 A-I=N- 1 42-9~4-1-49 ALABAMA SOUTHERN ALS 1 13~{]0129 CALIFORNIA CENTRAL CAC 5 13-00401 CALIFORNIA NORTHERN CAN 3 12-06382 CAN 3 13_00489 CAN 3 13~00510 QASELAHLQN €S'FA¥ED} vacated 4110)13 Rustin et al v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding lne et al Tholnas v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding Inc et al Lcary v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding Inc et al § l. ]‘F . HI, |;_ HH. et-a4 vacated 4110113 Brewster et al v. Fresenius Medieal Care Ho|ding, Ine. ct al ;"] ]_F .Ml.l; HH.l et-al vacated 4110113 Stricklin et al v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holding, Inc. et al DaHs-v-F‘Fesemas-Med-le&l-Ga¥e-Heldmyne-et-e-l vacated 4110!13 Bumpers v. Fresenius Mcdical Care H.oldings, lne. ct al Carolina Dcfaeio ct al v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding Ine ct al Rodriguez v. Fresenius Medieal Carc Holdings Inc. et al Maroon v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lne. et al Riva v. Fresenius Medical Carc Holdings, Inc. et al Case 1:13-CV-1O835-DPW Document 18 Filed 04/10/13 Page 3 of 5 Case MDL No. 2428 Doeument 162 Filed 04!10!13 Page 3 of 5 CAN 3 l 3-009?1 CAN 3 13-01046 CAN 3 13-01 l_ 02 CAN 3 13-01183 FLORlDA SOUTHERN FLS 9 13-80293 GEORGIA NORTHERN GAN l 12~04405 GAN l |3*00292 GAN l 13~00582 GAN 4 13_00068 LOUISIANA EASTERN LAE 2 l3~00]47 LAE 2 13`00343 LAE 2 13_00359 LAE 2 13“~00367 LAE 2 13~00387 LAE 2 13*00391 LAE. 2 13 ~00394 LAE 2 ]3*00397 LAE 2 13~{]0407 LAE 2 13~00412 LAE 2 l3-004l9 LAE 2 13-00425 {=PrE- 2 -1-3-9-94%9 LAE 2 l3~00430 ~I=A-E 2 -l-3-994-3-l- LAE 2 13~00435 LAE 2 13~00458 LAE 2 13~00529 LAF, 2 13~00551 LOUISIANA MIDDLE LAM 3 13-00003 I_,AM 3 13*0()|53 McMillan v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Martincz et al v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Butler v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Diekson v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Kyles v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holdings, lnc. et al Anderson v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Johnson v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Grcgory v. Fresenius Medical Care l-loldings, lnc. et al Dempscy v. Fresenius USA, lnc. ct al Glasper v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Thcard et al v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Baquet v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Thomas v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, Inc. et al Hutchinson v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. ct al Shaw v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Alphonsc v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Howard v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Millcr et al v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al MeNulty et al v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holdings, lnc. et al Youngblood v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Polk v Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Ine ct al MiteheH-v-Presenius-Med-ieal-Ga§e-Heldingsadne-et-al Vacated 4!8!13 Carter v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Neal+~F+esn+us-Med+eal-Ga-Pe-Held+rgs-hre-et-al Vacated 4!5!13 White v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holdings, lnc. et al Kennard v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Berzas et al v. Fresenius Mcdieal Care Ho|dings, lnc. ct al Long ct al v. Fresenius USA, lnc. ct al Gobcrt ct al v. Fresenius USA, lnc. et al Milton et al v. Fresenius USA. Ine. et al Case 1:13-CV-1O835-DPW Document 18 Filed 04/10/13 Page 4 of 5 Case MDL No. 2428 Document 162 Filed 04!101'13 Page 4 of 5 MAINE ME 2 13*000'1"8 MISSISSlPPl NORTHERN MSN l 13`0002? MSN l 13~00043 MSN l l3`00050 MSN l l3`00051 MSN 3 13_00065 MSN 4 13~00031 MSN 4 13-00034 MSN 4 13~00035 MSN 4 l3~00036 MSN 4 l3-0003? MSN 4 13~00041 MSN 4 l3-00042 MSN 4 13-00046 MSN 4 13-00047 MSN 4 13-00048 MSN 4 13*00049 MISSISSIPPl SOUTHERN MSS l 12~00412 MSS l l3~000l 3 MSS l 13-00067 MSS 3 13-00046 MSS 3 13-0004'1' MSS 3 13-00043 MSS 3 13-00049 MSS 3 13-00061 MSS 3 l3-0009l MSS 3 13-00159 MSS 3 13-00132 MSS 4 13-00047 MSS 4 l3-00053 MSS 5 13-000]0 MSS 5 13-00015 MSS 5 13-00033 MSS 5 13-00034 NEW JERSEY LAWRENCE v. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS INC et al Huglies v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Nunn v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Pietruszkievvicz v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Jones v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Orman v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Whitc v. Fresenius Medical Care l-Ioldings, lnc. et al Benson v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Parker v, Fresenius Medieal Care Holding1 [nc. ct al Head v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, Inc. et al Joncs v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Earvin v. Fresenius Medica] Care Holding, lnc. et al Niehols~Green v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, lnc. et al Ellis v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holding, lnc. et al Recd v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, lnc. et al Boatwright v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Randlc v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Ladncr v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Smith v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holding, lnc. et al Surman v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Laster v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, [nc. et al Calahan v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Watkins v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, [nc. et al Houston v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Wash v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Jackson v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holdings, lnc. ct al Fleming v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct al Meeks v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al Parks v. Fresenius ct al Bankston v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. ct al Loekhart v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Srnith v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. ct al Grinnell v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al Donald v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, lnc. et al Case 1:13-CV-1O835-DPW Document 18 Filed 04/10/13 Page 5 of 5 Case MDL No. 2428 Docurnent 162 Filed 04!10!13 Page 5 of 5 a 1 saasaa':e;aaaeeaa 2 NJ 2 12_1174711 §§pg§£é§’a$és§taassmus MEDICAL CARE N] 2 13_11115115 1213§31§§141§1 v 01:11<1|12$‘51~111)1¢, MEDICAL CARE NJ 2 131111618 SYLS§I;IIE., 1;§§$§1;11115 MEDICAL CAR_F. 111 3 13_01 152 F.HNOT v. FRESENlUs rasman cans HOLDINGS, INC. et al NEW YORK EASTERN NYE l 12~06163 Deloach v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al NYE 1 12_06418 Fnz;rlienteall{alcigh v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, NYE l 12*06419 Grecn v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al NYE l 12-06420 Williams v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al NYE l 12-06421 Preslcy v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, lnc. ct al NYE 1 12_06422 Cartcr v. Fresenius Mcdical Care Holding, Ine. et al NORTH CAROLINA EASTERN NCE 5 13-00051 Carter v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. et al NCE 5 13_000.10 aBlordcaux v. Fresenius Medieal Care Holding, lnc. ct PENN SYLVANIA M_IDDLE PAM 1 13_00397 ;{lumphrey v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, lnc. ct `PAM 3 12-02518 Schultz v. Fresenius USA, lnc. et al TEXAS WESTERN TXW 6 13-00014 Shaw v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, lnc. et al lherabycerutyon"l||dlgmata»a foregoing documntismaeandconeeteopyofme |Zl elecu'onlcdocketlnthecapt|onad weekenlcally iledori Inal itedon l:l original i|od in my - '~'_~; on
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