This is a petition for a writ of certiorari brought under St. 1924, c. 488, § 20. That chapter is entitled, “An Act regulating and restricting the use of buildings and premises, the height and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots in the city of Boston and for said purposes dividing the city into districts.” The title fairly outlines
1. The use of "certiorari” in this context in the statute imports its usual meaning and function under the uniform and long established practice in this Commonwealth. Certiorari is an extraordinary writ. Its purpose is to enable a party, without other remedy for errors of law committed against his rights, to bring the true record of an inferior judicial or quasi judicial tribunal, properly extended so as to show the principles of its decision, before a superior court for examination as to material mistakes of law apparent on the face of such record. Only errors of law can be reviewed. Findings of fact are not open to revision. The full report of the evidence incorporated in the present return was unnecessary and an encumbrance of the record. Farmington River Water Power Co. v. County Commissioners, 112 Mass. 206, 212, 217. Swan v. Justices of the Superior Court, 222 Mass. 542, 544. Mayor of Medford v. Judge of First District Court of Eastern Middlesex, 249 Mass. 465, 468, and cases there collected.
There is nothing in the present statute which warrants any departure from the established practice. If it had been the intention of the General Court to provide an appeal to this court on the facts or for a review of the decision of
2. The constitutionality of the provisions of said c. 488 is assailed in respect to the composition and appointment of the board of zoning and adjustment (hereinafter called the board) and in respect to its power to change the boundaries of districts established by the Legislature. It becomes necessary to state the salient provisions of the statute so far as material to these contentions.
The first two sentences of § 20 of said c. 488, being a large . portion of its first paragraph, are in these words: "There shall be a board of zoning adjustment to consist of twelve members as follows: — The chairman of the city planning board ex officio, and eleven members appointed .by the mayor in the following manner: one member from two candidates nominated by the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, one member from two candidates nominated by the Boston Central Labor Union, one member from two candidates nominated by the Boston Chamber of Commerce, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the Boston Real Estate Exchange, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the Massachusetts Real Estate Exchange, one member from two candidates, one to be nominated by the Boston Society of Architects and one by the Boston Society of Landscape Architects, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the Master Builders’ Association of Boston, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the Team Owners Association, one member from two candidates to be nominated by the United Improvement Association, and one member to be selected by the mayor. All appointive members shall be residents of or engaged in business in Boston.”
The attack on this part of the statute is based upon the contention that the freedom of appointment naturally ap
The many particular districts established by said c. 488, based upon the use and height and bulk of buildings, are scattered widely over the territory of the city of Boston, and those of the same class are by no means contiguous. The adoption of any such scheme of improvement for one of the oldest cities in the country must recognize to a large extent existing customs as to business, ocean shipping, commerce, manufacture and residence. Changes in the boundaries of districts once established require the exercise of a high'degree
There are numerous provisions of the statutes whereby the appointing power is limited to specified classes of persons; sometimes, also, with geographical limitations. For example, the board of registration in medicine must consist of graduates of a legally chartered medical college or university having the power to confer degrees in medicine, who have been engaged for ten years in the active practice of medicine, not belonging to the faculty of any medical school, and not more than three of whom shall be at one time members of the same chartered State medical society. G. L. c. 13, § 10. See, also, restrictions upon power of appointment to the board of registration of nurses, G. L. c. 13, § 13, the board of registration in optometry, § 16, board of dental examiners, § 19, board of registration in pharmacy,
The constitutionality of St. 1818, c. 113, § 1, was presented in Hewitt v. Charier, 16 Pick. 353. The statute there under consideration in effect prohibited the practice of medicine except by those licensed by the Massachusetts Medical Society or graduated a doctor in medicine in Harvard University. The validity of the statute was vindicated as not repugnant to article 6 of the Declaration of Rights or in violation of any principle of the Constitution. In Opinion of the Justices, 154 Mass. 603, the validity was upheld of Pub. Sts. c. 70, § 2, which provides that the commissioners of pilots “appointed by the governor . . . shall first be recommended by the trustees of the Boston Marine Society . . . See now G. L. c. 103, as amended by St. 1923, c. 390, § 1. Apparently the Boston Marine Society is a private corporation whose purposes are intimately connected with the safety and improvement of navigation and the charitable relief of seafaring men and their families. 3 Prov. Laws, 708, c. 16, approved January 25, 1754. So far as concerns authority, the case at bar seems to be covered by the last two citations. Their applicability is sufficiently obvious without further discussion.
Other of our decisions look in the same direction. It was said in Commonwealth v. Plaisted, 148 Mass. 375, 387, respécting a statute requiring the Governor to appoint members of the police board of the city of Boston “from two principal political parties”; that it “is designed to secure, in the action of the board, impartiality and freedom from political bias. It can probably be regarded only as directory to the Governor, and not as an element in the tenure of the office; in either view, it violates no provision of the Constitution.” In Kingman, petitioner, 153 Mass. 566, 568, 580, it was held that a statute was constitutional providing for apportionment commissioners not residents of any of the cities and towns concerned.
There is nothing in these provisions which constitutes an assumption of executive powers by the Legislature. The statute is general in terms. It deals wholly with the method of appointment of the officers and relates to the method of exercise of executive functions. See Opinion of the Justices, 208 Mass. 610; Boston v. Chelsea, 212 Mass. 127, Commonwealth v. Leach, 246 Mass. 464.
Similar questions have arisen in other States. The great weight of authority supports the constitutionality of such statutes. Sturgis v. Spofford, 45 N. Y. 446. Scholle v.
The result is that, with some hesitation, we are of opinion that the part of the first paragraph of § 20 of said c. 488, touching the appointment of members of the board, does not violate articles 6, 7 and 30 of the Declaration of Rights.
.3. Extensive powers are conferred on the board to change the boundaries of districts and the zoning map as established by other sections of said c. 488. Those powers and the limitations and conditions of their exercise are stated in these words, which constitute the second paragraph of said § 20: • “Either upon petition or otherwise, the_board may, subject to the following conditions, change the boundaries of districts by changing the zoning map, on file at the state secretary’s office, £1] to meet altered needs of a locality, £23 to avoid undue concentration of population, £33 to provide adequate light and air, £43 to lessen congestion in streets, £53 to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers, £63 to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage and other public requirements and £73 to promote the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the city of Boston. Such changes shall be made with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with á view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land. No such change shall be made except by the decision of not less than four fifths of the members of the board, excepting only any member or members not qualified to act, rendered after a public hearing thereon, of which notice shall be mailed to the petitioner, if any, to the building commissioner, the chairman of the assessing department, the chairman of the street lay
In earlier days, the argument that the powers conferred upon the board amounted to an unlawful delegation of legislative authority would have demanded serious consideration. In the light of a group of comparatively recent decisions, where that subject has been discussed fully, there can no longer be serious doubt that in this particular the statute does not offend any provision of the Constitution. This is true even though the board is given power to change on the terms stated in the statute the boundaries of the several districts or zones established by the Legislature itself. These decisions need not be reviewed nor analyzed. It is enough merely to cite them. They amply cover this aspect of the case at bar. Welch v. Swasey, 193 Mass. 364. Brodbine v. Revere, 182 Mass. 598. Nelson v. State Board of Health, 186 Mass. 330. Commonwealth v. Sisson, 189 Mass. 247. Dewey v. Richardson, 206 Mass. 430. Commonwealth v. Fox, 218 Mass. 498. Commonwealth v. Hyde, 230 Mass. 6. Commonwealth v. Slocum, 230 Mass. 180. Opinion of the Justices, 234 Mass. 597. Ayer v. Commissioners on Height of Buildings in Boston, 242 Mass. 30. Inspector of Buildings of Lowell v. Stoklosa, 250 Mass. 52.
4. It was not open to the petitioners to show by evidence outside the record, at the hearing before the single justice upon the petition for the writ of certiorari, that the conditions which would warrant the board in deciding to make a change in the districts and the zoning map did not exist. That conclusion follows irresistibly from the nature of the writ of certiorari. Ward v. Aldermen of Newton, 181 Mass. 432. Byfield v. Newton, 247 Mass. 46, 53. Westport v. County Commissioners, 246 Mass. 556. As already pointed out, this present statute does not enlarge the scope or change
5. It is required in the second paragraph of said § 20 already quoted that the board shall mail notice of the public hearing respecting any proposed change in the boundaries of districts to the owners of all property deemed to be affected by the petition. It appears that the notice was not mailed to the owners of dwelling houses deemed to be affected but was served by a constable, and that at that season of the year, late in August or early in September, several did not in fact receive any notice whatever, because their residences were closed, and the notice left by the constable was not and would not in the natural course of events be forwarded, while a notice sent by mail as required by the statute would in ordinary course have been forwarded. If notice actually had been received seasonably, it well might be that the particular method of service would be a matter of indifference. But when the statute specifies a definite kind of service and the statute is not followed and the notice is not in fact seasonably received, then a different situation arises. It appears in the case at bar that in several instances the only service of the notice on the landowner was by leaving copy at his last and usual place of abode. Some of those thus served did not appear at the hearing, another appeared and protested on account of lack of sufficient service, while others appeared and protested against the proposed change but did not complain of the notice. Whether writ of certiorari ought to issue on this ground alone on this record need not be determined, because it must issue for a more fundamental reason.
6. The second paragraph of said § 20 enumerates seven different carefully and clearly specified grounds on which the board may make changes in the boundaries of districts and the zoning map. These seven grounds or reasons for convenience are indicated by the insertion of arabic numerals in brackets in the quotation already made. These specifications are in the nature of limitations upon the power of the board. Unrestricted authority to change boundaries is not conferred. The context in which this grant of power
In the third paragraph of said § 20 is the further provision that “The board shall cause to be made a detailed record of all its proceedings, which record shall set forth the reasons for its decisions. . . .” That cannot be regarded as a perfunctory or merely directory provision. It is definite and peremptory. There is firm ground for. requiring strict compliance with such a statutory mandate. It is a strong protection against hasty, careless, or inconsiderate action to require a public board to put in writing a full statement of its reasons for action. The vote in the case at bar, as shown by the return, after stating the extent of the change, was that “said change is made with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land in said vicinity, and also in consideration of the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for particular uses.” Those words were repeated in the order changing the district signed by the members of the board. It is to be observed that those words are but a slight paraphrase of the second sentence of the second paragraph of said § 20 already quoted. Those words of the statute, however, do not constitute a statement of any one of the grounds or
Writ of certiorari to issue.