29 Conn. 331 | Conn. | 1860
We do not find it necessary to decide whether, by the acceptance of rent which fell due before the alleged determination of the lease, the lessor waived his right to repossess himself of his estate. The current of authority
Nor do we determine whether the effect of such an acceptance can be qualified by a landlord’s declaration, at the time of the acceptance, that he does not thereby mean to waive any right. High authority sanctions the idea that the acceptance of rent accruing after condition broken, is in law a waiver of the forfeiture, and not evidence of such waiver merely. It has also been said by judges of great eminence, that the right of the party who pays money to control its application, constrains the lessor who receives rent, tendered as such, to waive his claim of forfeiture.
The only point which we propose to settle as the law of the present case is, that, upon the facts stated, there was no legal determination of the lessee’s estate.
Our statute of summary process recognizes no other termination of leases than such as is effected by force of the contract itself. It supersedes none of the common-Io - remedies of the landlord, except in respect of the notice to quit and the form of procedure by action. It follows that the question whether the tenant’s rights have ceased, must be settled according to a common-law interpretation of the instrument of demise. In some states, precise legal consequences are ainexed by statute to the non-payment of rent, and the lessee is arbitrarily divested of his estate. .. Oh/ statutes contain no such provision. ./^
first day of April, 1861. It contained a covenant of quiet mjoyment for the fa term, with a qualification thus ex-quent part oí/1-qe instrument is a proviso of the following tenor: — “ Provided, however, that if the lessee neglects to pay The lease in evidence war; for three years, ending on the pressed: — “he [thelr^rclj keeping all the covenants on his part.” One of th ql covenants was for the payment of a quarterly rent upoj/certain quarter-days named. In a subse
The legal interpretation of the instrument agrees with thi's manifest intent. ' There is no peculiar significance to thé words “ shall expire and terminate.” They mean just as much, and just as little, as would the more common phrase, “ shall become void,’- 'if ingested at the same place. Indeed it appears that both terms were"'Bmployed together in a lease, the construction of which was the subject of determination in the case of Jackson v. Harrison, 17 Johns., 66. It was there provided that in case the rent should\not be paid “it should be lawful for the lessor to re-enter,” &c\ and that “ the lease and estate thereby granted should cease, determine and become uttei’ly void, if the lessor should elect so consider it.” It is well understood that such expressions as thfege in leases for years do not designate the non-payment of rentlas an evexit,
This rendering of the contract makes the duration of the lease contingent on the exercise by the lessor of his right to terminate it. To denote how this is to be done, the instrument, fairly read, implies that a re-entry shall take place ; the usual technical mode prescribed in such contracts, indicating, in the case of estates less than freehold, not necessarily a literal entry, but some proceeding that should in a significant and decisive manner declare the forfeiture of the lease and assert the landlord’s rights.
If a tenant’s right is thus voidable only, the option to avoid must be exercised under the contract and according to legal usage. The re-entry clause at all events creates a necessity for some positive act of the landlord to determine his tenant’s estate. In construing a lease, which authorized the lessor, upon the lessee’s neglect to perform his covenants, to enter
Where a lease is thus voidable, the landlord’s option to avoid it should be exercised at the proper point of time and in the proper place; and above all, should be brought home to the tenant’s knowledge through some unequivocal act, in order to certify to him that he is absolved from the further performance of a lessee’s duties. “ Where,” to quote Baron Parke, “ the terms of a lease provide that it shall be avoided by re-entry, either in the case of a freehold lease or a chattel
Assuming then that it devolves on the lessor to take active measures to enforce his right of avoidance, we can not doubt that no such forfeiture should be suffered, as for a breach of duty, unless the performance of the duty is first demanded or requested. This principle is illustrated in a striking manner by the case of Merrifield v. Cobleigh, 4 Cush., 182, where the controversy related to a freehold estate. “ Whenever,” so ran the covenant, “ the grantee shall neglect or refuse to support” a certain fence, “ this deed shall be void.” The court held that, until there was a demand upon the grantee to repair the decayed fence, there was no breach of the condition. Yet literally, at the point of time when the grantee passively neglected that duty, his title failed. In the case before us no demand was made for the rent. The conversation of April 1st, 1859, however it was or ought to have been understood, is not claimed to have amounted, even by implication, to such a demand.
To prevent future litigation and to enable parties to make contracts adapted to the view which we take of the law, we go a step beyond the requirements of the case to speak of the formalities necessary to terminate a lease voidable on the nonpayment of rent. We confess that we know of no new rules with which to instruct our judgment in this matter, and naturally adhere to the settled doctrines of the common law.
The case of Jackson v. Harrison was decided by a learned court, and has not been overruled by any of the higher tribunals of the state of New York. The lease in question was for seven years, and provided, as has been stated, for an avoidance and re-entry upon non-payment of rent. The court held that an entry was essential to the forfeiture claimed, and that none could be made without showing a demand of the rent due, upon the last day of payment, on the premises, and at a convenient hour before sunset. “ The plaintiff,” says YanNess, J., “ equally fails in showing a right of entry by reason that the defendant did not pay the United States tax, because the indispensably necessary step of making a demand of the
A late New Hampshire case, McQuesten v. Morgan, 34 N. Hamp., 400, in its result accords with our present conclusion, and involves facts of the same general character.
There is error in the proceedings of the magistrate and we advise that his judgment be reversed.
Ellsworth and Sanford Js., were of opinion that our statutes respecting leases had done away with the technical rules of the common law as to getting possession of leased premises, and dissented from the opinion of the Chief Justice.
Judgment reversed.