Opinion by
The plaintiff furnished materials to a subcontractor who was employed by Samuel Gourley, Jr., in certain work for which the latter had a contract with the city of Philadelphia. The defense was that the subcontractor had been paid in full before Gourley had notice of the plaintiff’s claim, and also that the
The condition of the bond in suit is as follows, viz : “ That if the above bounden Samuel Gourlev, Jr., shall and will promptly pay or cause to be paid to any and all persons, any and all sum or sums of money which may be due for labor and materials furnished and supplied or performed in and about the said work, and shall and will comply with all the provisions of the ordinance of the select and common councils of the city of Philadelphia entitled, ‘ An ordinance for the protection of subcontractors as well as for person furnishing materials and labor for the construction of buildings for the city of Philadelphia and for any other city work,’ approved the thirtieth day of March, A. D. 1896, then this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.”
The ordinance is framed in clear and intelligible language and in direct terms it requires that any person entering into a contract for the doing of the city’s work shall execute a penal bond .... with sureties .... with the obligation that the contractor shall and will promptly make payment to all persons
The judgment is affirmed.