James Tiernay died testate, March 19, 1891, leaving as his only near relations a son, J. J. Tiernay, and two grandchildren, James T. Kelley and the plaintiff. The son was a bachelor, and had always resided with deceased, as had also the grandchildren, who were orphans, from their infancy. The bulk of the estate was left to the son. Certain moneys invested in notes and mortgages in Carroll county were bequeathed to the grandchildren, and land in Plymouth county was devised to them as follows: “It is my will and I hereby give and bequeath to my said grandchildren the south half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-four, township ninety-three, range forty-four (S. ^ of S. W. i of 34 — 93—44) in Plymouth county, Iowa; and I desire my executor to dispose of the same, and invest the proceeds of the same by loaning on good security, and the entire amount thus accumulated be equally divided between said children when the youngest becomes twenty-five years of age. This, however, shall be upon the express condition that they be faithful children, both in virtue and morality, and they be faithful to the creed in which they were baptized, and perform their duties as by said creed required. When said time as above named has elapsed, and each of said children receiving from the parish priest in the parish in which they may
Boland v. Tiernay
118 Iowa 59
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