So far as the personal estate of the decedent was concerned, the surrogate had exclusive original jurisdiction to try and determine the validity of the will; and the decision of this court, upon the appeal fr om his decision, is binding and conclusive in all courts and places, until it shall
In. this case, however, even if it had appeared from the bill and answer that the parties to the present controversy were all actual parties to the litigation before the surrogate, and upon the appeal, the decision of the chancellor, acting as an appellate court of probate, against the competency of the decedent to make a valid will of personal estate, would not have been conclusive evidence, in this suit, of the invalidity of the devise of the real estate to Mrs. Sawyer ; although such devise was contained in the same will which was then in controversy as a will of personal property. The general rule is admitted, that the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, directly upon the point, is, as a plea in bar, or as evidence where it cannot be pleaded as an estoppel, conclusive, as between the same parties, upon the same matter directly in question, in the same