I. The petition shows as ground for the relief ashed, in substance, this: That the board of directors of the defendant independent district adopted a resolution applying and .appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars, to pay for establishing and opening a certain highway in the district; that the school house is situated on a north and south highway, and that the proposed1 highway is east and west, intersecting said existing highway about three-quarters, of a mile from said school house; wherefore i.t is alleged that said board had no jurisdiction to appropriate said money for said purpose. In an amendment plaintiffs allege that said proposed highway is not required for school purposes; that there are no scholars, to pass over it except the children of the plaintiffs, and that for more than twenty years the landowners on which said' highway is proposed to be laid have permitted the free use of the same, whether by team or otherwise, by school children and others wishing to travel therieon; that the establishment of and payment for said highway for school purposes is a pretext to avoid payment therefor by the real piarties in interest. Plaintiffs allege that, unless enjoined, the county treasurer “will collect the tax described in the original petition,” and ask that he and the board of said independent district be enjoined.
III. Appellants’ nest contention is that it is only when a school house is not situated upon any highway that the power to obtain a highway at the expense of a
IV. Having a vote of the electors, the authority of the board' is to obtain “such highways as such board