The Bird’s-Eye Veneer Company was engaged in manufacturing veneer from bird’s-eye maple logs. So much of the product as came from the heart of the log was “off color,” and would be much more valuable if it could be bleached. The Veneer Company had never been able to find a satisfactory method of bleaching. The Philipson Company owned patents upon a process for accomplishing this result. The Veneer Company took a license under these patents and agreed to pay royalties. After making payments for a time, the Veneer Company refused to pay further, and the patentees brought this action in the court below to recover the royalty then accrued. For convenience, we designate the inventor and his first and second assignees collectively as “the patentees.” The defenses (so far as now important) were, first, that there was a breach of the implied warranty that the patented process would accomplish the purpose for
We conclude that we cannot consider or decide the abstract questions which have been presented as the main reliance of the Veneer Company. We express no opinion as to whether such a license for a patented process is within the provisions of the Uniform Sales Act, nor whether there may he an implied warranty of fitness attached to a written contract therefor, nor as to whether a patented process might be, in spite of the patent monopoly, so valueless that there would be a total failure of consideration for its sale. We think, these questions are not open on the facts of this case.
The process involved certain chemical actions or reactions, and the obviously difficult problem of soaking very thin sheets of wood in a chemical solution, so as to get the good results desired and avoid all the bad results which might threaten. The representative of the Veneer Works in making the contract was an experienced and able manager, familiar with manufacturing costs and the demands of his market. He was at least upon an equal footing with the patentees in all respects except as to chemical knowledge, and he was better informed than the patentees as to matters affecting commercial success.
If there was ah implied warranty of the character claimed by the company and at the time of the original contract, we cannot think that it survived the contracts of March and May, 1915, and the payments made pursuant thereto. The case is not one involving the later development of some inherent but unknown defect. In March and in May, 1915, when the new contracts were made, the company knew all about the failure of the process (if it had failed). It merely was hoping and believing that the defects had been overcome.
When the subject-matter of an alleged implied warranty has thus been a matter of discussion and negotiation, and a compromise settlement has been reached, and the parties have continued under the old contract, and then have made a further”elaborate written contract with reference to additional rights in this same matter for additional compensation, and all without any expressed covenant or warranty, the continuance of the implied warranty is not affirmed by any precedent brought to our attention, or, as we think, by any principle involved. The situation is, in all respects, analogous to that existing where an article is sold subject to acceptance, and, after trial for- the special purpose desired, is accepted and paid for, or where there are express representations as to quality, and, after knowledge of their falsity, payment is made without objection. In neither of these cases is there any remaining liability upon an implied warranty of fitness. Kellogg Co. v. Hamilton, 110 U. S. 108, 112, 3 Sup. Ct. 537, 28 L. Ed. 86; Taylor v. Bank (C. C. A. 6) 212 Fed. 898, 129 C. C. A. 418; Kansas City Co. v. Rodd (C. C. A. 6) 220 Fed. 750, 754, 136 C. C. A. 356; Marmet Co. v. People’s Co. (C. C. A. 6) 226 Fed. 646, 651, 141 C. C. A. 402.
“A process for treating pieces of sap-containing wood, which consists in subjecting such pieces to the action of a bleaching gas-liberating solution acting to dissolve the sap, whereby decoloration and sap extraction are simultaneously effected.”
This is, obviously, a broad claim. It is accompanied by 10 other claims, each in more or less broad and inclusive language. The proposition that the grant of exclusive rights for the United States and Canada under such a (valid) patent, which seems to control a considerable field of development and improvement for 17 years and to make tributary to it all improvements within the field, and the grant of similar rights in any improvements the patentees may make, do not constitute any consideration whatever for a promise to pay therefor, is a proposition which we think needs only to be stated to show its error.
We do not intend now to decide that the Veneer Company has no suitable remedy or defense, as against continuing or further asserted liability, if the patent is in truth void, because not involving patentable utility, or because it does not sufficiently disclose how to practice the process effectively. Neither the right to such remedy or defense, nor the effect thereon of the judgment in this case, is before us; but, upon the issues made and tried in this case, it was rightly held that the attempted defense failed.
The judgment is affirmed.