Bell v. Good
Upon an affidavit made by one of plaintiff’s attorneys, setting forth, among other things, that the defendant is a nonresident of the state; that he resided in the state of Connecticut; and upon the complaint herein,—an order was made on September 2,1891, that the service of the summons herein be made by publication, or, at the option of the plaintiff, by service of the summons and a copy of the complaint, and of this order, without the state, upon said defendant personally, and that on or before the day of the first publication the plaintiff deposited at the post office in the city and county of New York a set of copies of the summons and complaint herein, and of the order, in a securely closed postpaid wrapper, directed to said defendant at Roxbury, Conn., his last-known place of residence. . The' summons referred to bears date April 17, 1891, and directed the defendant to answer the complaint and to'serve a copy of his answer on plaintiff’s attorneys within six days after the service thereof, etc. The action was brought, as stated in the complaint, to recover the amount of two checks, drawn by defendant upon the Importers’ & Traders’ Bank. Service of the summons, .complaint, affidavit, and order of publication and notice was made on the 9th day of September, 1891, in the state of Connecticut, on the defendant personally. An affidavit made by John Jeroloman, one of plaintiff’s attorneys, on the 14th day of December, 1891, states “that no answer, demurrer, or notice of appearance has been received or served in pursuance of the requirement of the summons in said action, except to appear herein by attorney on November 12, 1891, and obtain twenty days’further time to answer, but that said defendant has not answered-within said extended time, and is in default herein,” etc.; and on December 15, 1891, a judgment was entered by plaintiff’s attorneys against said defendant for the sum of $434.78, amount claimed, interest, and costs. On December 23, 1891, an order was granted by one of the justices of this court directing plaintiff to show cause on December 28, .1891, why the service of the summons herein, and judgment entered December 15, 1891, should not be set aside upon the ground, among others, of irregularity in the form and •service of the summons, etc., and an order was entered on or about January 18, 1892, whereby it was “ordered that said motion be, and the same hereby is, denied, with leave to defendant to move to open default on the merits in another motion if he so desire. ” On January 25, 1892, an order was granted requiring plaintiff to show cause on January 28, 1892, why the order entered on January 18, 1892, should not be vacated or resettled, or why a reargument should not be granted, etc. And on January 19th an order was made, as follows: “Ordered that the order entered herein, on or about January 18, 1892, be resettled by the entry of this order, and that said motion to vacate the judgment entered herein be, and the same heréby is, denied, with leave to the defendant to move to open the default on the merits in another motion if he so desire. ” And it is from this order that defendant appeals.
Section 3165, subd. 2, Code Civil Proe., provides that “when an order, directing service of the.summons without the city of New York, or by publication, is granted, the summons must state that the time within which the defendant must serve a copy of his answer is ten days after service thereof, exclu
Order appealed from must be reversed, with costs. All concur.