Baughn v. State
At a special term of the superior court of Twiggs county in July, 1895, Elizabeth Robles was tried for the -offense of murder, and upon conviction was sentenced to death. The sentence “having been legally suspended and superseded by order of the court, the case came on to be heard before-the court” on June 23/1896, “for the purpose of passing sentence of death in accordance with the verdict of guilty rendered.” At this term Baughn, the plaintiff in error, as the next friend of the condemned woman, appeared, and in her behalf objected to the sentence of death being passed,, on the ground that she was then insane, and in his application prayed the count for a trial by jury of the said question of insanity; that the court cause jurors to be regularly summoned and impaneled to try said issue, and that such other proceedings be had in that regard as -are usually incident to -trials in said court; that petitioner have the right to the-court’s process to- compel the attendance of witnesses, and to snch other process as may be right and necessary; and that-said sentence be- postponed and superseded until the final adjudication of the question.” The court declined to- entertain the -application and refused “each and every prayer” thereof, -and fixed the -time for the execution of the sentence
“A lunatic or person insane, without lucid intervals, shall not be found guilty of any crime or misdemeanor with which ho may be charged: provided, the act so charged as criminal was committed in the condition of such lunacy or insanity; but if a lunatic has lucid intervals of understanding, he shall answer for what he does in those intervals as if he had no deficiency.” Penal Code, §35. The section quoted clearly shows that under the law of this State no person can he legally convicted of a crime committed while in a moment of irresponsibility growing out of an unsound mind. If the person charged with the crime desires to avail himself of the
“Whenever the plea of insanity is filed, it shall be the-duty of the court to cause the issue on "that plea to he first tried by a special jury, and if found to he true, the court shall order the defendant to be delivered to the superintendent of the asylum, there to remain until discharged in the-manner prescribed by law.” Penal Code, §-951. This section secures to a person charged with a crime the right to' have the question of his mental -condition at the -time of tire trial inquired into before being required to plead to the in-' dictment. Long v. The State, 38 Ga. 491.
“If, after any convict shall have -been sentenced to the-punishment of death, he shall become insane, the sheriff of' the county, with the concurrence and assistance of the ordinary thereof, shall summon a jury of twelve men to inquire into such insanity. The following oath shall he administered to the jury, to wit: You, and each of you, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly try' this issue of insanity between the State and A. B., now condemned to die, and a true verdict give -according to the ■ evidence. • So help you God.’ If it he found, by the inquisition of such jury, that the convict is insane, the sheriff shall suspend the execution of the sentence, and make report of' the inquisition and suspension of the execution to the presiding judge of the circuit, who- shall cause the same to he ■ entered on the minutes of 'the superior court óf the county where the conviction was had.” Penal Code, §1047.
The sections aibove quoted embrace all of the law of force in this State which relate to -the subject of an inquiry into-the mental condition of a person charged with or convicted of a criminal offense. If insane at the time the act is committed, he shall noit he convicted. The section first above -
The question made in this record is, can the prisoner after conviction, according to law, of a capital offense, demand a trial by a jury in the superior court on the question of his mental condition, in order that the insanity, if established, may operate to suspend the execution of the judgment in the case ? The record shows that Elizabeth Nobles was convicted and sentenced to death in July, 1895, and that the sentence was not executed. She was called before the court in June, 1896, not for the purpose of being sentenced, because the .sentence had been already imposed, but for the purpose of fixing a new time for the execution of the sentence. A person convicted of a capital offense is never sentenced under the law of this State but one time; the sentence is the conclusion of the record, and once entered, the record is complete: It may be that the time fixed in the sentence expires, but the sentence stands in full force. Therefore, the life of Elizabeth Nobles was aibsblutely forfeited by -the verdict and the judgment or sentence which was rendered in July, 1895; and if execution ever takes place, it will be by virtue of this sentence, though at a different time than that orig
It is in the power of any person interested in the prisoner to call for an investigation under Penal Oode, §1047, or the judge himself may order the investigation. The purpose of the legislature evidently was to carry out the principle referred to in the decision above quoted, and provide a method for the trial of a question which simply involved a plea to the humanity of the court to postpone the punishment of an insane person until a recovery takes place. In the case of Jones v. The State, 13 Ala. 153, the court, in dealing with the question of insanity at the time of trial, say: “Although we are of opinion that the facts disclosed in
There being no law of force in this State which authorizes or requires the judge of the superior court to enter into an investigation of the mental condition of Elizabeth
Judgment affirmed.