The Board of Claims awarded the claimants $1,900 and interest on account of damage done their forest land by wild beavers. Prior to 1906 there were but few beavers in the Adirondack region and none in the vicinity of the plaintiff’s land. By chapter 299 of the Laws of 1906 $1,000 was appropriated by the Legislature “for the purpose of purchasing wild beaver and their liberation in the Adirondack region, as specified in section fourteen of the Forest, Fish and Game Law.” Section 14, referred to, provided that there should be no open season for beaver.
See Gen. Laws, chap. 31 (Laws of 1900, chap. 20), § 14, as amd. by Laws of 1905, chap. 428; revised by Gen. Laws, chap. 31 (Laws of 1908, chap. 130), § 83, and Consol. Laws, chap. 19 (Laws of 1909, chap. 24), § 83. See Conservation Law (Consol. Laws, chap. 65; Laws of 1911, chap. 647), §§ 157, 158, 197, as added by Laws of 1912, chap. 318. See Id. § 197, as since amd. by Laws of 1916, chap. 521.— [Rep,