Tbe grand jury of Bartow county indicted Tbomas H. Baker and O. II. Ounyus for tbe offense of criminal libel. A. W. Fite, in bis individual capacity, was tbe prosecutor; and, in bis official cbaracter of solicitor-general of tbe circuit including tbe county named, also appeared before tbe grand jury by wbicb tbe indictment was found. Tbe alleged libel consisted of tbe publication of a letter purporting to bave been addressed to Baker by one Harrison-Smith, wbicb letter was in tbe following words:
“Pine Log, Ga., September, 18, 1894.
“Dr. Baker: Gus Fite, solicitor-general, was here Saturday, and made our cburcb a proposition to pay all tbe debt on tbe cburcb, if we would vote for Lumpkin. Tbe debt is $90.00 and interest. Jobn Vaughan told me to see you about it, before I let it go before tbe church. Let me know as quick as you can wbat to do about it. I would like for you to speak at our scboolbouse somewhere towards tbe last of tbe month. Let me know as soon as you can. There will be a large crowd at tbe cburcb Sunday, and I want to bave it given out if you will come.
“Harrison Smith.”
“Pine Log, Ga., September 18, 1894.
“Dr. Baker: Gus Pite (thereby meaning the said A. W. Pite) was here Saturday, and made our church a proposition to pay off the debt on the church, if we would vote for Lumpkin (thereby meaning William II. Lumpkin, who was then a candidate for State Senator in and for the 42nd Senatorial District of Georgia). The debt is ninety dollars and interest. John Vaughan told me to see you about it, before I let it go before the church, and let me know as quick as you can what to do about it. I would like for you to speak at our schoolhouse somewhere towards the last of the month. Let me no as soon as you can. There will be a large crowd at the church Sunday, and I want to have it given out if you will come. Harrison Smith.”
Hpon conviction, the accused filed a motion for a new trial, upon the overruling of which they assign error. This preliminary statement, in connection with the facts hereinafter stated, will render intelligible the rulings made by this court upon the questions presented for review.
In the present case, however, no objection of any kind was made to the indictment on - the ground that the solicitor-general had appeared before the grand jury in the dual character of prosecutor and State’s counsel, until after the accused had been tried and convicted; and it was then
Judgment reversed.