September 7, 1881, Jacob J. Yan Riper, then Attorney General of the State, filed an information in the circuit court for the county of Ingham in chancery, asking to have four part-paid certificates for the purchase of agricultural college lands set aside, canceled, and delivered up, because of fraud in the purchase or entry of the same. The lands embraced in the certificates are described as follows: The south-east quarter of section two, in township 24 north, of range 8 west, certificate issued in the name of Edwin Buckley, March 15, 1871; the north-east quarter of section 34, town 21 north, of range 11 west, certificate issued in the name of Edward McLaughlin; the south-east quarter of section 34, town 21 north, of range 11 west, in the name of John M. Dennitt; and the south half of the south-west quarter of section 28, town 21 north, of range 11 west, in the name of James Rawlins, — the last three certificates being issued March 6, 1872. These certificates were applied for by Daniel D. Ruggles, father of the defendant, and procured by him, in the name of said parties, at the price of three dollars per acre, one-fourth paid down, and the balance at the •option of the purchaser, with interest. The lands were obtained for the benefit and sole use of said Daniel D. Ruggles, he using the names of these parties for the purpose, as he says, of putting his neighbors off the scent of his buying land in that locality. It is claimed that these certificates have been assigned to or are holden by the defendant. These lands belong to the dower of the agricultural college. They •are a part of the donation of the United States, for the benefit of this college, under an act of Congress dated July 2, 1862, and were accepted by the State, February 2, 1863.
By the passage of the act of 1869, amending the law of 1863, these lands were divided into two classes; but, by a strange oversight or a neglect of duty which has cost the agricultural college thousands of dollars, no steps whatever were taken to estimate the value of the timber upon these lands, or to classify them, so thfit the commissioner could know what descriptions were valuable because of the timber growing thereon. Therefore the commissioner, in selling these lands, had to rely upon the statements of the purchaser, or upon affidavits filed, presumably, generally, if not always, in his interest, There is no doubt from the record before us that thousands of acres of these lands, of great value because of the pine and other timber upon them., have been sold as three-dollar lands, one-quarter only paid, stripped of their timber, their only value, and then no further interest or taxes paid by the purchasers. The squandering of so much of this valuable gift to the agricultural college must be laid to the failure of the officers who had the care and disposal of these lands to take proper and necessary measures to so classify and identify them that they would know what they were selling. The defendant in this case is not alone liable to.the charge that he has fraudulently used his own knowledge to impose upon the ignorance of the land commissioner. This fraud, if fraud it can be called, has been going on for years, under the eyes of the officials whose plain duty it was to prevent it. I cannot find from the record that this agricultural land-grant board, composed of State officers, — the Commissioner of the Land Office being one of them, — from April 8, 1869, when the three-dollar sales commenced, up to March 1, 1877, nearly eight years, took any notice of these sales whatever, except to invest the proceeds thereof, at which last date they met and passed the following resolution:
'•'■Resolved, that the Commissioner of the Land Office be requested to submit to the Attorney General the facts within his knowledge in relation to part-paid agricultural lands,*129 where the same have been stripped of timber for which the lands were valuablej said lands now being abandoned by the purchasers, and ask his opinion in writing as to the proper action to be taken by this board to secure the State from loss. Also what action is advisable to be taken when said lands have been sold at three dollars per acre, on affidavit of purchaser that the lands were not valuable for timber, when the contrary was the fact, and the said lands sold for five dollars per acre, as provided by law.”
And at a meeting April 25, 1877, Mr. Partridge, then commissioner, vainly endeavored to have an examination and classification of these lands ordered by the board as to the quality of lands, soil, and timber; which it is obvious should have been done at the outset. From 1869 to 1877 it was the practice of the commissioner, by the acquiescence, at least, of the board, to sell these lands upon the statements and affidavits of the purchaser. It is not strange that valuable timbered lands have been sold at the lowest price under such management.
The complainant claims that these certificates, obtained under this course of sale in 1871 and 1872 by Daniel D. Buggies, should be canceled because the lands deseribed therein were valuable principally for the pine timber upon them; that Buggies, located them for that reason; that he knew they were valuable because of the pine upon them, and kept such knowledge from the commissioner, and took the certificates in the name of the fictitious persons, to blind the commissioner as to their real worth and character.
The evidence shows that, upon these lands, by the examination and report of the State examining agent, there is now standing about 7,500,000 feet of pine. It is also evident from the testimony of Daniel D. Buggies that he knew the character of these lands when he located them, and entered them because of this pine timber then growing thereon. He denies making any representations that they were not valuable for timber at the time of the purchase, and what took place between him and the commissioner, Edmunds, must be gleaned from his testimony alone. It was intimated upon the argument that, from the character
It does not seem to me that it was an actionable fraud in the mere fact of Buggies not divulging to the commissioner the knowledge that he possessed that these lands, if not then so, would sometime be valuable for the pine upon them. If this retention of knowledge be sufficient to vitiate this sale to Buggies, then no doubt but a large number of the other sales of these lands to other persons are also voidable for the same reason. It was not alone such a fraud upon the State, under the circumstances of the usual method of disposing of these lands to all purchasers, as would destroy the validity of these entries. Such a principle, applied to matters of bargain and sale between individuals, would void almost every transaction in business life. New purchases are made unless with the idea of buying for profit, and at a supposed cheaper rate than the article bought will bring to the purchaser on use or resale.
In our opinion the fraud of Buggies consisted, not in the use of fictitious names, because we cannot say they were so, nor yet alone in his silence as to the valuable timber upon these lands, but we think that, knowing them to belong to the five-dollar per acre class under the law, he used the names of these men, not to put his neighbors off the track of his purchases as he claims, but for the express purpose of blinding the commissioner to their real worth, or else there was collusion between him and that official. While there is no direct evidence of fraud upon his or the commissioner’s part, the circumstances all taken together satisfy us that a fraud was committed in some way. We have not the testimony of the commissioner, and Buggies makes a square denial of all fraud. We are left, therefore, without any witness of this transaction from whom we can glean the truth. But the fact that so much valuable timber was growing on these lands; that Buggies had full knowledge of its worth, and remained silent; that no timber affidavits can be found; that the frauds under the same commissioner are matters of public history; that Buggies made the entries in the names of other men, and a different man for each parcel ; and the further fact that other lands have been bought in the same way, and to a large extent skinned of their timber by this same Daniel D. Buggies, and then forfeited as to payment of interest and taxes — all considered together, must
It is also urged upon the part of the State, that the Commissioner of the Land Office had no power to sell these lands for three dollars; and that the sale, being in violation of law and contrary to it, was void. By the act of the Legislature in 1863, which was not affected in this respect by the amendment of 1869, the care and disposal of these lands was given to the agricultural land-grant board. It is true that the Legislature, in 1869, put two prices upon these lands, as heretofore noticed, yet that body left the matter of sale as before, under the direction of the land board, in the hands of the commissioner. It made no provision for the classification of these lands by examination, to determine what pieces should be held at the minimum of three dollars, or what at five. The land board also left the division of these lands to the commissioner, who, for eight years and upwards, sold them as before stated. If he had no power to sell to Buggies, he had no authority to sell any of these lands, which he has sold in all these years, for three dollars per acre, if it shall now turn out, upon examination, that'the timber upon them is valuable. It appears to me that, by the action of this board in allowing the commissioner, who was one of them, to determine for himself, between him and the purchaser, to what class the lands belonged which he sold until March 1, 1877, without any protest whatever, it is conclusive that they authorized and approved the course of the sales, and the method of procedure adopted to determine what price should be set upon them. The records of the land office shpwed every day the amount of sales, the price, and the names of the purchasers; and their receipt and
It is also apparent from the record that, had it not been for the intervention of one John Canfield, who became anxious to get these lands at five dollars per acre, Mr. Buggies would not have been disturbed in his possession of these certificates. They had been issued nearly six years before the board took any action looking towards their cancellation, or gave any intimation that the purchase of the lands was either fraudulent or without authority, and during neaiiy all this time the sales were going on in the manner precisely of Buggies’ purchase. When Canfield first made his application, and tendered his money at five dollars per acre for these lands, he was informed by the commissioner that they
Presuming to act under authority of this resolution, the commissioner and Attorney General entered into negotiations for the settlement with Charles F. Buggies of the controversy between him and the State as to his three-dollar purchases of lands, and on the thirty-first day of December, 1878, as a result of these negotiations, the defendant in this suit paid to the commissioner $4,000, and received the following receipt:
“ Beceived of Charles F. Buggies $4,000, in full of all claims of the State against the said Buggies on account of the alleged irregular sale of part-paid lands. This payment is in full of all claims on account of lands involved in the four suits now pending against said Buggies, and of all lands that heretofore have been or now are owned wholly or in part by him, and covers all claims of the State for timber.
“ B. F. Partridge, Commissioner of Zand Office.
“Dated Zansing, Mich., December 31, 1878.”
And April 2,1880, stipulations signed by said Otto Ki refiner, Attorney General, and the attorney of defendant Buggies, of date March 30, 1880, were filed in said suit, discontinuing them, in accordance with said settlement. Besides the $4,000 paid as aforesaid, Buggies also paid $298.82 as interest upon said certificates, and $150 in lieu of all costs in the suits, and received receipt therefor.
It is claimed by the defendant that this was a full and fair settlement of the matters involved in the present controversy, and for this reason, if for no other, the decree of the court below should be affirmed. On the other hand, the Attorney General claims: First, that this settlement was not understandingly made by the commissioner and the Attorney General; second, it was not authorized by the agricultural land-grant board ; third, it could not legally be made by the board through any or all of its members.
It is clear to me that both the commissioner and the Attor
“After talking with Mr. Upson about the matter, and also with Gen. Partridge, I came to the conclusion that if the State could get from Mr. Euggles the difference between the price paid by him and the price the State claimed he ought to have paid, that it would be for the best interest of the State to settle upon that basis.”
These negotiations commenced in the summer of 1878, and were delayed some time in order to give Mr. Canfield time to assert his claim if he desired to do so. It appears from the evidence of the commissioner that such notice was given him, and he, failing to do anything in response thereto, the matter was closed up on the last day of the commissioner’s term. It is argued as a suspicious circumstance that Gen. Partridge should have received this money and given this receipt at so late an hour, on the last day of his term of office, that it could not be deposited in the State treasury until the next morning. There is not a shadow of testimony implicating Gen. Partridge in any collusion with Euggles, and it was entirely proper, having had the matter in charge, that he, who knew all about it, should close the transaction, if it were for the interest of the State to settle at all, before he went out of office. There is no doubt but the commissioner fully understood the terms of settlement; but the Attorney General argues that Mr. Kirchner did not understand it, and thought Euggles was paying the full difference between three and five dollars upon all the lands he had purchased from the State, which would have been a much larger sum than he actually paid. Mr. Kirchner did not sign the stipulations discontinuing these suits until the last of March, 1880, and he would certainly have been most derelict in his duty as a. public officer if he had thus stipulated, after this length of time, without knowing what he was doing. Put his own
Question. “ Had you been informed that Ruggles was at that time indebted, on a basis of five dollars an acre, to an amount of over $20,000 to the State, would you have consented to that settlement of $é,000 ? ” Answer. “ I don’t think it would have made the slightest difference. What I intended to settle was these suits, and for the land involved in them, and if, for the lands involved in these suits, I could get enough money so that the amount paid upon the settlement, together with the amount paid by Ruggles, would have amounted to five dollars an acre, I would settle it. Yes, sir, settle those suits ; that is what I intended to do.”
The fact that Mr. Kirchner did not intend to settle any more than these suits, or that the receipt ran so as to cover other lands than these now in question, cannot void the transaction as far as these are concerned. If hereafter a question should arise upon other lands, it might with some propriety be claimed that Mr. Kirchner did not consent to a settlement as to them; but as to these four certificates there can be no question but both the commissioner and the Attorney General knew what they were doing, and that the State received the full amount asked and required by them.
I have no doubt of their power to make this settlement. The State must have some agent or agents through which it may act. It cannot be a myth. Its officials must, from the very nature of things, have power to conclude it. As heretofore shown, the Legislature granted unreserved power to the land-grant board to dispose of these lands. Its authority to do so is not denied. This board, by its acts and its acquiescence, empowered the commissioner to make these sales. The law officer of the State commences suit to cancel these certificates. He, in connection with the commissioner, believed it to be for the best interest of the State to settle. The land-grant board meets. These two members, as the evidence shows, make a full statement to the board of the matter, and that it is best to settle. The matter is fully discussed, and the result is the resolution authorizing and directing them to act in the matter as they shall deem best
As far as these lands now in suit are concerned there has been a full settlement, and the money paid by defendant is in the State treasury. There ought to be some time when a man’s liabilities can be ended, after payment of all that is asked by the officials representing the State. I see no reason to distinguish this case, although the State is a party, from like cases between individuals. The State has once commenced, by its duly authorized officers, litigation involving
It is right, as the court below decreed, that the present suit should be dismissed. The action of that court in the premises is therefore affirmed.