This was an action for a libel. General demurrer to the declaration, and judgment for the defendant.
The alleged libel, as shown by the declaration, is as follows:
No extrinsic facts are alleged, nor is there any statement made as to the meaning of the charge. If the suit is sustainable, it is because the matter complained of, in itself, imports a libel. A libel is said to be a malicious defamation expressed in printing or writing, or by signs, pictures, &c., tending to injure the reputation of another, and thereby exposing such person to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. 2 Selw. N. P. 1061. But that is not the character of the publication before us. There is here no charge of dishonesty, or of any other misconduct which could injure the plaintiff’s reputation.
-The judgment is affirmed with costs.