Arents v. Commonwealth
Recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States have regarded and treated corporation and municipal bonds, with coupons, payable to bearer, as negotiable instruments. Moran v. Commissioners of Miami County, 2 Black’s U. S. R. 722; Mercer County v. Hacket, 1 Wall. U. S. R. 83; Gelpcke & al. v. City of Dubuque, Id. 175; Thomson v. Lee County, 3 Wall. U. S. R. 327. They are negotiable securities, having all the qualities and incidents of commercial paper, and imparting to the holder a perfect title by delivery. This doctrine proceeds not only on grounds of public policy, but is designed to effectuate the intentions of the parties. Justice Wayne, in delivering the opinion of the' court in Moran v. Commissioners of Miami County, says, with great propriety, that such bonds,' with their interest warrants, are commercial securities, though they be not in the accustomed form of promissory notes, or bills of exchange, and that the parties intended them to be passed from hand to hand to raise money upon them, so that a full title was intended to be conferred on any person who became the legal holder of them.”
These bonds of the city of Wheeling, and their coupons,
“Lawrence County.
“Warrant No. 37, for thirty dollars,
“ Being for six months interest on bond No. , payable on first day of January, A. D. 1873, at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in the city of Philadelphia.
“130. -, Clerk”
Here there was a precise stipulation of the amount, and of the time and place of payment.
The Wheeling coupon, it will be seen, materially differs from this; it is more like that given in the case of Sheboygan County v. Parker, 3 Wall. U. S. R. 93. There, it was said, “ the interest warrants or coupons were not in the usual form of promises to pay, or of declarations that so much money was due the bearer at the semi-annual dates, but were drafts by ‘ Lewis Curtis, President of the Board
“ Coupon, city of Wheeling, guaranteed by the State of Virginia. Duncan, Sherman & Co., of New York, will pay to the bearer thirty dollars, the half-yearly interest on Wheeling bond 269, due 1 January, 1867.
“130. M. Nelson, Mayor.
This is ..clearly a check on a banking house, nor is any time appointed for its presentation. The date specified merely designates what half-yearly interest constitutes the amount of the check. It is not a draft on this house to pay on 1 January, 1867, to bearer, thirty dollars, being the half-yearly interest due on that day; but it is like all other checks, payable on presentation, without the appointment of any day therefor, and the concluding phrase of the check is merely designed to make it, when paid, a voucher for the discharge of the half-yearly interest due on 1 January, 1867.
The city of Wheeling, when enabled by the act of 20th March, 1848, to secure the State’s guarantee upon her bonds as the means of making and securing her subscription to the capital stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, did not avail thereof until after the passage of the act of 29th March, 1851, “ authorizing the issue of coupon bonds.” This policy was doubtless dictated by the advantages found to attend this form of securities. By virtue of this change, two points were gained tending to facilitate the negotiability and marketable value of these securities : first, by making the principal and interest payable at places more eligible than that of their emission; and secondly, by attaching interest coupons, which, upon being severed from the bond, admitted of an independent
Whether, therefore, I consider the bond or coupon separately or construe them together, I am constrained to believe that the latter is neither more nor less than a check, draft or bill of exchange, payable on demand. These three terms denote very nearly the same thing; and so far as any important legal consequences follow, may be deemed convertible terms. Thus, in Keene v. Beard, 98 Eng. C. L. R. 371, it was held, that “a check on a banker payable to bearer, was a negotiable instrument, and passed by endorsement so as to entitle the holder to sue the endorser thereon as in a ease of a bill of exchange.” Erie G. J. said, “a check is strongly analogous to a bill of exchange in many respects. It is drawn upon a banker, and though in practice the banker does not accept the draft, he might, for aught I know, do so. A check has also some of the incidents of a bill of exchange, if not all, as in respect of its passing by delivery, and also in respect of a bona fide holder taking it for value having a better title than the person from whom he received
I have thus given at some length these juridical expositions of the nature, and function, and incidents of checks or drafts on bankers, because I deemed every sentence thereof as having an important bearing and shedding light upon our present enquiry. I do not think it can be successfully denied that these coupons belong to this class of negotiable instruments; and if so, it follows, from these authorities, that they cannot be deemed due until demanded. Parsons, in his treatise on Notes and Bills, vol. 1, p. 2G1, suggests the propriety of substituting for the usual phrase “after maturity,” (and I may add “overdue,”) the more descriptive one of “after dishonor;” because, as he says, “dishonor and non-payment at maturity are not necessarily the same thing: a note on demand is mature and demandable at once, but is not dishonored until a reasonable period of non-payment has elapsed.” Adopting this language, then, as more suitable to this class of commercial paper, let us ascertain when this coupon should be considered dishonored. Parsons, in his
Upon reason and authority, and the design of the contract, therefore, I consider these coupons, being drafts payable on demand, as continuing securities, and intended to perform the function of bank notes. We all know that like coupons constituted in fact a very convenient currency, and were frequently passed as such in the channels of exchange between the South and North. What cir
But it may be objected that in my treatment of these coupons, as continuing securities, I am extending the liability of the State beyond her actual engagement. But such is not the ease. She must stand to the terms of her agreement. Her faith is pledged “for the punctual payment of the interest and the ultimate redemption of the principal sum of money appearing due by the above bond, according to the terms therein specified.” What were 11 the terms specified” as to payment for interest? Clearly, that it should be effected by drafts on Duncan, Sherman & Co. of Hew York, payable on demand to bearer. If, therefore, there is this capacity of negotiability and circu
I think it must be admitted that if the appellant has to hear this heavy loss, it is very much due to official neglect in failing to indicate by some mark her redemption of these coupons, and promptly warning the public of their abstraction. There is no pretence of any “ mala fides” on the part of this holder; he is conceded to he innocent and a purchaser for value; and hence, in view of the State’s official neglect, I presume, she can only be relieved from this .responsibility or recovery by some inexorable rule of law, and that is now said to be found in this doctrine of “ overdue.” I have endeavored to show by reasoning and authority that it is not applicable to these coupons; and that it is due alike to the contract of Wheeling and the guaranty of the State to maintain their negotiability till after presentation. It is expressly found that they were presented within a reasonable time after the restoration of commercial intercourse between Richmond and New York; and I am clear that the existence of the war was a fact releasing the holder from the duty of presentation during its continuance.
For these reasons I am constrained, though with diffidence, to dissent from the affirmance of the judgment below.
This proceeding was instituted under the provisions of the Code which authorize proceedings against the Commonwealth by “ any person having any pecuniary claim against the Commonwealth upon any legal ground.” Code ch. 45, § 11, ch. 46, § 1. The claim is founded upon the guaranty of the Commonwealth, endorsed by the treasurer upon certain bonds of the city of Wheeling. It is
The act of March 20, 1848, did not require that the bonds should be made payable to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. The subscription of Wheeling was to be paid to the company in bonds of the city, guarantied by the State, but whether the bonds should be made payable to the company was left to be arranged between the city and the company. But if there could be any doubt on- this point under the act of March 20, 1848, there can be none under the act of March 29, 1851, which provided for bonds payable to the holder. I conclude, therefore, that the treasurer was fully authorized to endorse the guaranty of the State on these bonds. And the Legislature, by the act of January 10, 1867, recognized the validity of the guaranty.
The act of March 29, 1851, in terms, makes the coupons “transferable by delivery,” but does not, in terms, make the bonds themselves “ transferable by delivery.” This, however, is implied in the provision that they shall be “payable to the holder,” the obvious intent being that they shall be payable to such person as may, from time to time, be the holder. These bonds, therefore, as well as the coupons, pass from hand to hand by delivery. And it has been held, in numerous cases, by the Supreme Court of the United States, and by the highest courts of many of the States, that such bonds and coupons are negotiable instruments, “ having all the qualities and incidents of commercial paper.” White v. Verm. & Mass. R. R. Co., 21 How. U. S. R. 575 ; Mercer County v. Hacket, 1 Wall. U. S. R. 83; (Gilpcke v. City of Dubuque, Ib. 175; Meyer v. City of Muscatine, Ib. 384; Murray v. Lardner, 2 Wall. U. S. R. 110; Thomson v. Lee County, 3 Wall. U.
It is also held, that a coupon may be negotiated after it has been separated from the bond, and that the holder of a coupon may recover upon it without producing the bond to which it was attached, and without being interested in it. Commissioners Knox County v. Aspinwall, 21 How. U. S. R. 539; Thomson v. Lee County, 3 Wall. U. S. R. 327; Beaver County v. Armstrong, 44 Penn. R. 63.
In considering the title of the plaintiff to the coupons on which this proceeding is founded, we must, therefore, apply the principles which belong to bills of exchange and negotiable notes.
The guaranty of the State was given in order to promote the credit of the bonds. The form of the bonds indicates that they were designed to be put upon the market. They were not only to be sold in the first instance, but to circulate from hand to hand by subsequent sales. The guaranty was intended to promote the credit of the bonds upon all of these sales, and to enure to the benefit of each holder of a bond and of each holder of a coupon, from time to time, to the extent of his claim.
This is the plain intention of the guaranty, but how the holder of a bond or coupon is to avail himself of it is a question of more difficulty. The right to enforce the guaranty may not pass to each successive holder of a bond , or coupon, so as to entitle him to maintain an action at law upon it in his own name. It is even held, that a guaranty endorsed on a negotiable note is not negotiable along with the note, so as to entitle an endorser of the note to sue on it at law in his own name. 1 Am. L. Ca. ed. 1861. And perhaps there may be greater difficulty in holding that the guaranty in this case passes, as a negotiable in
In order to give effect to the manifest intention of the parties, the right to enforce the guaranty, unless lost by laches or otherwise, must be held to be co-extensive with the right to enforce payment of a bond or coupon. The guaranty, as an accessory to the bond or coupon, follows it and adheres to it in equity, and the right to enforce the guaranty must be determined by the right to demand payment of the bond or coupon. If, therefore, the plaintiff is the lawful owner of the coupons, and entitled to enforce the payment of them, he is entitled to enforce the guaranty, and cannot be defeated by any equities that do not affect his claim upon the coupons. And if he cannot recover upon the coupons, he cannot enforce the guaranty.
That the ordinary rule applicable to equitable assignments may thus be controlled by the intention of the parties, and in order to carry that intention into full effect, is sustained by the case of the Agra & Masterman’s Bank, 2 Law Rep. Ch. Ap. 397, decided in 1867 by the Court of Appeal in Chancery. Tho A. & M. Bank gave to Dickson, Tatham & Co. a letter of credit addressed to them, authorizing them to draw bills upon the bank to a certain amount. D. T. & Co. drew bills accordingly, and sold them to the agent of the Asiatic Banking Corpora
The contract of a guarantor is collateral and secondary. It differs in that respect, generally, from the contract of a surety, which is direct. And in general the guarantor contracts to pay if, by the exercise of due diligence, the debt cannot be made out of the principal debtor, while the surety undertakes directly for the payment, and so is responsible at once, if the principal debtor makes default. As was said by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the
But while this distinction exists, in general, between the contract of a surety and the contract of a guarantor, we must, in every case, look to the terms of the guaranty and to the circumstances under which it was made, to ascertain, by the rules of construction, the character and extent of the undertaking. If it thus appears to have been the intention of the guarantor to make himself liable on the default of the principal debtor, without the use of the ordinary means to compel payment by him, or proof of his insolvency, he will be held liable accordingly. His contract, in such a case, is a guaranty of payment, or of punctual payment, by the principal debtor, and not merely a guaranty of solvency, or of ultimate payment, after the usual means of enforcing it are employed.
In this ease the State, by the contract endorsed on the bonds, guaranties the “ punctual payment of the interest.” To fix the liability of the State, therefore, for the payment of any coupon, it is only necessary to show that the city of Wheeling, the principal debtor, has made default in its “punctual payment,” according to the contract. The contract provides for payment by Duncan, Sherman & Co. If they fail to pay any coupon upon demand, after it has become payable, the city has made default in “the punctual payment ” of interest, and the State is liable on its guaranty. It is not necessary that payment should be demanded likewise of the city itself.
The contract of a guarantor of a negotiable instrument differs from that of an endorser in respect to the degree of diligence incumbent on the holder. This difference is thus stated in Story on Prom. Notes, § 460: “In the ease of an endorsement, the endorser contracts to be liable to
The contract of the city of Wheeling, the performance of which is guarantied by the State, is contained in the bond to which the guaranty is attached, and to which it refers. It stipulates to pay the principal sum on the 1st day of July, 1872, at the banking-house of Duncan, Sherman & Co. of New York, and to pay interest thereon, at the same banking-house, on the 1st day of January and 1st day of July of each year, i£ on presenting to the said banking-house the proper coupon hereto affixed.” Thus, there arises a liability, under the bond, on the 1st day of January and 1st day of July of each year, to pay a sum equal to six months’ interest on the principal. Dor the sake of convenience, and to facilitate the collection and payment of the interest due on the bond, the coupons are furnished as evidence of their successive liabilities. They are the evidence of title to demand the interest; they may be separated from the bond and negotiated apart from it; and they serve the purpose of vouchers when the money
Whether, 'therefore, the coupon is in the form of a promissory note, expressly promising to pay the sum due on the bond for interest, or in the form of a mere token or ticket, indicating the sum so due, it answers substan
The degree of diligence required of the holder of one of these coupons, is to be ascertained by reference to the relations of the parties liable for ils payment. It must be presented for payment within a reasonable time after it becomes due and payable, so as to save the liability of the State as guarantor in case of any injury resulting from delay. And so in case the city of Wheeling deposits funds with Duncan, Sherman & Co. to meet the coupons, as we may presume it will, a like degree of diligence is probably necessary to save the liability of the city in case delay should occasion injury, as by the failure of Duncan, Sherman & Co. But the indulgence thus allowed to the holder in making presentment and demand of payment, does not prevent the coupons from being regarded as due and payable on the day fixed for the payment of interest,
It is obvious, from the nature and purpose of these coupons, as I have endeavored to explain them, that they are not designed for indefinite circulation, or indeed for any circulation at all, after the time fixed for their payment. This is so upon any construction that can be placed upon the language of the coupons. The State has a right to claim that they shall be presented for payment within a reasonable time after they become payable, so that it may be relieved from its liability as guarantor, and the coupons, on their face, give notice of the guaranty. It cannot be supposed that the State would be willing to incur a responsibility wholly indefinite, in point of time, which would be the case if the coupons were designed to circulate, without any limit, after the day of payment. It is no answer to say that the city of Wheeling has provided by a mortgage for the indemnity of the State. The security may be lost, or its value impaired by delay; and the State, by accepting that security, did not abandon the character of guarantor and assume that of principal debtor. Watkins v. Crouch & Co., 5 Leigh 522; May v. Boisseau, 8 Leigh 164.
The coupons will, of course, still pass by delivery after the day of payment as before, just as a bill of exchange or a promissory note will. But, as in the case of a bill or note, the circulation thus allowed after the day of payment was not contemplated as a purpose for which the coupons were made and issued. The case of these coupons is not like that of a bank note. A bank note is issued for the purpose of indefinite circulation. The longer it circulates, the better for the bank.
It is argued, that these coupons must be regarded as payable on demand on or after the day specified, and not
I conclude, therefore, that these coupons are negotiable instruments, payable at a day certain, namely, the day mentioned in each, as the day the interest called for by the coupon is payable, though the holder was not bound to present them for payment on that day, so as to save the liability of the city or of the State. And this view is sustained by numerous cases, which hold, that in an action upon a coupon, the payment of which has been refused, or for the payment of which no provision is shown to have been made, interest may be recovered from the time at which it became due and payable, according to its face. North Pa. R. R. Co. v. Adams, 54 Penn. R. 94; Hollingsworth v. City of Detroit, 3 McLean R. 472; Gelpcke v. City of Dubuque, 1 Wall. U. S. R. 175; Mills v. Town of Jefferson, 20 Wisc. R. 50.
The coupons in this case became due and payable at different times from the 1st day of January, 1862, to the 1st day of January, 1864, inclusive. The plaintiff became
What I have said already in explanation of the character and meaning of the coupons is sufficient, perhaps, to dispose of this question. But it will assist in clearing up some of the difficulties that have been raised in the case, and perhaps give a clearer view of its merits, to consider briefly what the rule of law is in respect to the transfer of overdue paper, and what is the precise foundation on which it rests.
No principle is better settled than that a party who takes a negotiable instrument by endorsement or delivery, after it has become due, gets no better title than the party had from whom he received it. This principle is laid down, and the authorities for it cited, in all the books on bills and notes. It is well stated and illustrated in Ashurst v.
Bank of Australia, 37 Eng. L. & Eq. R. 195, where the action was by an endorser against the maker of a negotiable promissory note, which had been endorsed to the plaintiff after maturity. The defendant pleaded, that before the transfer of the note to the plaintiff, the person
At one time it was doubted whether the mere circum-' stance that a bill or noto was overdue at the time of its transfer was sufficient to affect the title of the endorser; and whether it was not necessary that there should be something on the face of the paper, besides the day of payment, to indicate that it had been actually dishonored, or some other evidence to charge the holder with knowledge of the circumstances affecting the validity of the paper, or the title of the person from whom he received it. This doubt was expressed by Lord Kenyon in Brown v. Davies, 3 T. R. 80, decided in 1789J But the other judges held, that the mere circumstance that the paper is overdue at the time of the transfer is sufficient, of itself, to affect the title of the holder. Ashurst, J. said: 16 Where the note is overdue, that alone is such a suspicious circumstance as makes it incumbent on the party receiving it to satisfy himself that it is a good one, otherwise much mischief might arise.” Buller, J. said: “There is this distinction between bills endorsed before and.after they become due:
When a negotiable instrument is payable at a time certain, it is overdue as soon as that time has passed. Parsons says that a paper payable at a time certain is dishonored by mere non-payment at that time. 1 Parsons on Notes and Bills, 270. So in 1 Am. Lead. Cas. 336, it is said, “if a note or bill is payable at a fixed time, it is of course overdue after the last day of grace is expired.” These coupons were, therefore, overdue when they came into the hands of the plaintiff, and the transfer to him was subject to the rules applicable to the transfer of overdue paper. It is no answer to say that a demand upon Duncan, Sherman & Co., and a refusal of payment by them, were necessary to make the maker and guarantor liable, or that, in consequence of the war, no such demand could be made, so that there was no ground for a presumption that the coupons had been actually dishonored when the plaintiff received them. These objections no more apply
If we should regard these coupons as not being due and payable on the day specified, but only as duo and payable when demanded, on or after that day, the result will be the same. It is well settled in this country, by numerous decisions, that notes payable when demanded are not designed for indefinite circulation, and that they will become overdue by lapse of time. 1 Parsons Cont. 217, and cases cited; Merritt v. Todd, 23 N. Y. R. 28. If we regard the coupons as bills at sight or as checks, the same principle will apply. Down v. Halling, 4 Barn. & Cress. 330, (10 Eng. C. L. R. 347 ;) Serrell v. Derbyshire, &c., R. R. Co., 9 C. B. R. 811, (67 Eng. C. L. R.) There is no certain time at which such paper will be regarded as overdue. But the time which had elapsed between the several periods at which payment of these coupons was demandable, and the time at which they came to the hands of the plaintiff, was amply sufficient to stamp them all as overdue. And it is not admissible, in respect to such instruments, any more than in respect to those payable at a day certain, to exempt them from the rule applicable to overdue paper, by proof that, in point of fact, they have not been dishonored. To allow such proof, would be to deny alto
I have seen no case involving the precise question, whether a coupon is to be considered as overdue after the day on which payment might have been demanded, except the case of The Bank of Louisiana v. The City of New Orleans, 5 Am. L. Reg., N. S., 555, in the provisional court of Louisiana. In that case coupons were held to be overdue after the days of payment named in them, and subject to the rule in respect to overdue paper. I do not cite that case, however, as authority.
These views are conclusive of the case, and it is not necessary to consider other questions that have been raised in the argument. This opinion, too, has already been too much prolonged in consequence of the novelty of the questions involved.
I am, therefore, of opinion, that there is no error in the judgment of the Circuit Court, and that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill. The order which follows this judgment, requiring the coupons to bo delivered to the Second Auditor for the use of the Commonwealth, is properly no part of the judgment, though apparently incorporated with it. But as the plaintiff is not the lawful owner of the coupons, it is not material to him whether they are delivered to the State or not, and he cannot, therefore, complain of this order. Such an order might have been properly made on motion by the State, after judgment, upon condition of leaving copies. The coupons had been acquired by officers of the Richmond government during the war, which, whether a lawful government or not, was an actual one, and claimed to represent the State and people of Yir
It is proper to add, that in what I have said as to the liability of the State upon the guaranty, I have had no reference to the question raised in the answer of the Auditor as between this State and the State of West Virginia. What body of people is bound to respond to the obligation imposed by that guaranty, is a question not before us, and upon which I express no opinion.
I am of opinion that the judgment should be affirmed.
Moncure, P. concurred in the opinion of Joynes, J.
Judgment aeeirmed.