delivered the opinion of the court, January 7th 1878.
Grand juries have the power to make presentment, not only of such criminal offences as may be laid before them by the district-attorney, in the form of bills of indictment, and of such as may come within the personal knowledge of individual members thereof, but, also, of all such matters as may be given them in charge by the court. Neither is there any doubt about the power of the court to direct that body to make inquiry concerning affairs which directly affect the public peace and society; among which affairs may bo instanced groat riots, such as those which recently disturbed the well-disposed citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity. Matters of this kind may properly be referred to the consideration of the grand inquest in order that the instigators thereof and the participants therein may be brought to justice ; and this is the more necessary, because, in times of public tumult and alarm, private prosecutors may be overawed through fear of personal violence.
Doubtless the proceedings in the case before us are very irregular, since there seems to be a total inversion of the proper order of things. It was the duty of the court, not of the grand jury, first to move in the matter. In a subject of so much importance, and one requiring the exercise of so much care and discretion, the court
Our inquiry, then, is limited to two propositions: Were the subpoenas regular, such as an ordinary citizen would be bound to obey? If so, were the appellants liable to attachment for disobedience to this process ? The subpoena we have before us, like the other proceedings in this case, is very irregular. It is, indeed, but a general mandate of the court, ordering the appellants to appear, “ to testify, all and singular, those things which they may know touching a certain investigation being had, on formal presentment, by and before the grand jury, relating to the late riots of July last, in said county, in said court depending.” It sets forth no case, present or prospective, nor does it state for whom, or at whose instance, the defendants were to be subpoenaed. As this writ is a very arbitrary one, obliging the citizen to leave his home and abandon his business, however important it may be, and give his attendance at court, wherever that may be sitting, it is very important to know what parties are entitled to it; for if it be issued at the suit of one having no right thereto, it is no contempt to disobey it. The Commonwealth may have this process in any proceeding where its interest is apparent, whether as a suitor or a prosecutor, and so may parties in courts, either civil or criminal; but we have yet to learn that any such right exists in a court, in its mere character as a court, separated from the case which it has in hand. So this, as well as every other compulsory process, must show upon its face that it was issued for some person or party having a right- thereto, otherwise it is nugatory and void, and disobedience to its mandate involves no penalty whatever. In the case before us, there was the use of the writ of subpoena, as- a mere order of the court, without statement of party or case, commanding the defendants to appear before the grand jury, for the purpose of giving their testimony
No doubt the court might have directed a subpoena to have issued for the Commonwealth, in any case where the Commonwealth was a party, or where it was apparent it was in some way interested in some case or transaction then depending. So might it have directed a warrant to have issued for the arrest of some one guilty of a crime or misdemeanor, but in such case, no one would contend, that the mere blank warrant of the court would, in itself be sufficient to detain a citizen for one moment; the authority for such warrant must appear upon its face or it is worthless. But the courts’ subpoena is no more respectable than its warrant; if the subpoena exhibit no authority it may he disobeyed with impunity. Now, in the case before us, the Commonwealth was not a party in interest, or, if so, it is not now apparent. It seems, from the petition of the grand jury, that the citizens of the county of Allegheny “ were greatly concerned in having a careful investigation of the late riots,” hut whether they were concerned in bringing the rioters to justice or not, is not stated, though this was the only matter in which the Commonwealth could he concerned. Moreover, as the grand jury was acting under no instruction, it was not possible, even for • the court, to know what that jury was doing or intended to do, hut, of this, the court should have been informed, before it undertook to interfere with the personal liberty of the citizen by its summary process of attachment, for, as the matter now stands, it is apparent that the subpoena was issued for no tangible cause or party and for no properly defined legal purpose; hence, no one was bound to obey it.
For the purposes of this case, however, we may admit the regularity of this subpoena and that, upon an ordinary citizen, it would have been binding and obligatory, for we regard the question of the liability of the appellants to attachment, in any event, as the prime one of this case. In order to resolve this, we must first understand who the persons are, against whom the court has directed its attachment and for what purpose they have been subpoenaed. They are the Governor of Pennsylvania, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Adjutant-General, chief officers of the Executive Department of the state government, and two officers of the National Guard; the latter subordinates acting under the orders of the former. The purpose, for which these officers are subpoenaed, is, that the grand jury may he put into possession of any information they may he possessed of, or that may be within the power of their several departments, concerning the military or other means used by them in the suppression of the late riots in the city of Pittsburgh. It will bo observed that these persons are subpoenaed for the purpose of compelling a revelation of such things as have come to their knowledge in their official capacities, and which strictly belong to
It follows, if the Governor, as supreme executive, and as commander in chief of the army of the Commonwealth, is charged with the duty of suppressing domestic insurrections, he must be the judge of the necessity requiring the exercise of the powers with which he is clothed, and his subordinates, who are employed to render these powers efficient and to produce the legitimate results of their exercise, can be accountable to none but him. In like manner, if he is constituted the judge of what things, knowledge or information, coming into his department through himself personally or from his subordinates, may or may not be revealed, then such subordinates, without his permission, cannot be compelled to disclose, in court, any such matters or information.
What, then, are the duties, powers and privileges of the Governor ? In the language of the constitution, art. 4, sect. 2, “ The supreme executive power shall be vested in the Governor, who shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Also, same article, sect. 7, “ The Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Commonwealth, and of the militia, except when they shall be called into the actual service of the United States.” He is, also, invested with the appointing and pardoning powers; the power to convene the legislature in cases of emergency and to approve, or veto, bills submitted to him by the General Assembly. It is scarcely conceivable that a man could be more completely invested with the supreme power and dignity of a free people. Observe, the supreme executive power is vested in the Governor and he is charged with the faithful execution of the laws, and for the accomplishment of this purpose he is made commander-in-chief of the army, navy and militia of the state. Who then shall assume the power of the people and call this magistrate to an account for that which he has done in discharge of his constitutional duties ? If he is not the judge of when and how these duties are to be performed, who is ? Where
Again, the Governor, having a proper regard for the dignity and welfare of the people of the Commonwealth, is not likely to .submit himself to imprisonment, on the decree of the Court of Quarter Sessions, or to permit his officers and coadjutors to be thus imprisoned. Were we, then, to permit the attempt to enforce this attachment, an unseemly conflict must result between the executive and judicial departments of the government. We need not say that prudence would dictate the avoidance of a catastrophe such as here indicated. On this point, the case of Thompson v. The German Valley Railroad Co., 22 N. J. Eq. R. 111, furnishes us with a precedent well worthy of our consideration. In that .case a subpoena duces tecum had been served on the Governor of New Jersey, commanding him, by his individual name, to appear and testify before an examiner of the Court of Chancery, and bring with him an engrossed copy of a private statute which had been passed by the legislature, and had been sent to him, as Governor, for his approval. He refused to obey the subpoena, informing the court, at the same time, that he did not refuse out of any disrespect to the court or to the law, but because he thought his duty required him not to appear or produce the paper required, or to submit his official acts, as Governor, to the scrutiny of any court. It will be seen that the case thus presented is quite as strong as that under discussion ; for the Governor, upon his own opinion of duty, which, as it will appear, did not accord with that of the court, not only refused to appear or produce the required paper, but to submit any of his official acts to the scrutiny of the court. An order was granted on the Governor, to show cause why he should not appear and testify. After argument, Zabriskie, Chancellor, said: “ The Governor cannot be examined as to his reasons for not signing the bill, nor as to his action, in any respect, regarding it. But there is no reason why he should not be called upon to testify as to the time it was delivered to him. That is a bare fact that includes no action on his part. To this extent, at least, I am of opinion
A like case is that of Gray v. Pentland, 2 S. & R. 23. A subpoena had been issued from the court below and served upon Governor Snyder and Secretary Boileau, with a duees tecum; a rule ■was also entered for the purpose of taking their depositions in Harrisburg. They declined to appear in answer to the subpoena,
We next refer to the celebrated trial of Aaron Burr. Here is the case of one charged with treason; one who, by the express terms of the constitution, was entitled to compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor. The judge before whom the examination was conducted was John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; a man renowned, not only for his legal learning, but also for his judgment and sagacity as a statesman; and the President was Thomas Jefferson, one not likely unduly to exalt executive prerogative or to refuse to the judiciary its just tribute of respect. We may, therefore, presume that whatever was done by the principal actors in the remarkable judicial drama then in progress, was well done. At the request of the defence a subpoena duces tecum was awarded and directed to the President requiring him to appear, and bring with him a certain letter from General Wilkinson to himself. He refused either to appear or produce the paper required. On discussion of the question, not whether compulsory process should be awarded against the President, for that was.not so much as proposed, but whether the attorney-general should permit the defence to have the examination of a copy of the required letter which had been put into his possession, the chief justice said (as we find it set down in vol. 3, p. 37, Burr’s Trial, as published by Westcott & Co., Washington City, 1807): “ I suppose it will not be alleged in this case that the President ought to be considered as having offered a contempt to the
Influenced by this and the other precedents we have cited, as well as by reason and necessity, we are in like manner disposed to conclude that the propriety of withholding the information required by the grand jury, must be determined by the Governor himself; and the weight of the reasons influencing him in the conclusion at which he has arrived, is for himself and not for the court to consider.
Furthermore, as the Governor is the chief executive of the Commonwealth, and as such embodies the power of the people, for the conservation of the peace and the protection of the rights and property of the citizens of the state, as he is also part of the legislative branch of the government, it must be obvious to every one that there are times when he must be excused from the ordinary process of the courts. We presume it will not be contended that he would be obliged to obey the mandate of a subpoena during the sessions of the legislature, when his presence at the capitol is constantly required, or whilst engaged in the suppression of an insurrection. These, however, do not embrace all his duties as Governor; we must, therefore, go one step further, and concede that he is exempt from such process whenever engaged in any duty pertaining to his office. Granting that there may be times when he is not so engaged, and when he might bo free to answer to a subpoena, who is to be the judge of his engagements or disengagements ? May he be compelled to appear before a court and submit himself to the judgment thereof as to whether his duties, just then, require him to be in his office at Harrisburg, or at the head of the army in the field, or whether he may not have a few days of leisure, during which ho may await the will and pleasure of a grand jury ? It will bo conceded that in all ordinary cases, he must himself judge as to what things he must do and what things he must leave undone, and that this is a duty imposed upon him by the constitution. But how then shall a court at any time, step in and assume the power of judging for him ? This cannot be done except by an unwarrantable assumption of
Let the attachment be set aside.
Chief Justice Agnew and Mr. Justice Sterrett dissented, the chief justice filing the following opinion.
The question before us belongs to the enduring theme of civil liberty, and not to ephemeral interest, passion, or feeling. It falls within the emphatic words of the Declaration of Rights that “ all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their safety, peace, and happiness:” Sec. 2. The question is, whether any citizen, private or official, is above the process of that law, which protects and enforces these essential rights of the people — rights “ excepted out of the general powers of government” in order to “guard against transgressions of the high powers delegated” to the mere organs of government: Sect. 26.
It is therefore a misfortune that this question has been marred
The 21st and 22d of July last were days of great alarm in this city, and a series of fearful riots bore terror to the hearts of its inhabitants. In the midst of the tumultuous mass an armed military appeared. Pistols and muskets were fired, many were wounded, and more than twenty lives of citizens and soldiers were taken. Two millions or more of property were destroyed. A hundred locomotives were ruined, the roundhouse, and other railroad buildings, the great hotel, the grain elevator, and many hundred cars were burned. Vast amounts of merchandise of distant owners were consumed or stolen, and for nearly a mile the railroad tracks were covered with car-wheels, bars, bolts, and iron machinery of every kind.
A monstrous crime was committed. Blood ran in streams. Was this murder, manslaughter, or excusable or justifiable homicide ? Property was despoiled. Was this arson, robbery or theft ? Whose was the crime ? Wrongheaded men united to remedy grievances by conspiracy and violence. A. military force intervened. Death and spoil ensued. Were they called thither by lawful authority; or did they come at private bidding ? Did the military attack, or were they attacked ? Did they fire at command or by individual will ? These were the fearful questions to be answered by some competent lawful authority. The state and distant communities are involved in the answer. The laws of the state have been violated, the “peace” of the people broken, and their “safety and happiness” endangered. To whom is inquiry given to obtain the facts, and present the guilty for trial and punishment ? Not to the legislature. It has no judicial power. Not to the Governor. His duty is to “take care that the laws shall be faithfully executed.” He can neither try nor punish crime. Even a coroner’s inquest, super visum corporis, is totally inadequate to determine the full scope, character and purpose of a riot of this immense magnitude, and the various parts played by all the actors. 'No individual pursuit can suffice, for private prosecutors have neither the interest, the inclination, nor the ability to reach the breadth and scope of such a scone of bloodshed and ruin.
To the judiciary alone belongs this power and duty ; to it only is the means given to summon juries and witnesses for both inquiry and trial. Under the constitution and laws of the land, it only can act. Hence, the Act of 16th June 1836, “ relating to
An immense riot, involving high crimes, and a multitude of persons whose identity, names, participation and guilt or innocence must be ascertained, in order to proceed to trial and punishment, can be brought to legal knowledge only by a grand jury charged with this duty. A riot is one of those great public offences which is conceded by the authorities to be the special subject of inquiry in this mode. If, then, the court can charge the grand jury as its legally appointed means, expressly given by the Act of Assembly, to make inquiry, it follows, as a necessary logical consequence, that the inquiry must be made per testes brought before them by due process of law; for the scope, and all parties to such a riot, cannot be a matter of personal knowledge.
This much said upon the grand jury as a constituent in the administration of criminal jurisprudence ought to be sufficient. But its powers have been denied, rendering something more necessary. It is one of the boasted bulwarks of English liberty handed down to us, and protected by the Declaration of Bights. No man can be tried for a crime except upon a bill of indictment duly found by a grand jury. Hence, the accused may challenge the array or individual jurors: Brown v. Commonwealth, 23 P. F. Smith 321; Id., 26 Id. 319; Lynch v. Commonwealth, 27 Id. 205. “ Our laws (says a well-known writer) have therefore wisely and mercifully placed the strong twofold barrier of a presentment and a trial by jury between the liberties of the people and the prerogative of the crown:” 2 Tomlin’s Law Diet. 307. Therefore the constitution declares: “ The trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate.” Sect. 6. “ Heretofore” means according to the course of the common law: Van Swartow v. Commonwealth, 12 Harris 131. The oath of the grand jury is, “ diligently to inquire, and a true presentment make, as well of all such matters as shall be given them in charge as of those things which they may know of their own knowledge.” “ Grand juries (says Judge Addison) inquire only into crimes, but they inquire of all crimes.” “ No criminal charge can be brought into a court of justice in this state unless it have acquired the sanction of a grand jury :” App. 36. “ To the grand jury (he says) is committed the preservation of the peace of the county, the care of bringing to light for examination, trial and punishment, all violence, outrage, indecency and terror, everything that may occasion danger, disturbance or dismay to the citizens. Grand juries are W'atchmen stationed by the law's to survey the conduct of their follow-citizens, and inquire where and by whom public authority has been violated, or our constitution and laws infringed:” App. 47-8. Speaking of the judicial branch of the government, he says: “This branch consists of two superior parts, a court and
A charge to a grand jury to inquire of a matter is either oral by the court, or in writing by the district-attorney in the form of a bill. The oral charge is where criminal courts (says Judge King) “of their own motion call the attention of grand jurors to, and direct the investigation of matters of general importj which from their nature and operation in the entire community justify such investigation.” “ Such (he says) as great riots that shake the social fabric, carrying terror and dismay among the citizens:” 1 Whart. Or. Law, sect. 458, note.
Thus the constitutional power of the grand jury to inquire into the riots of July 21st and 22d being fully established, the inquiry implies' evidence, evidence implies witnesses, and witnesses the process to bring them. Here I must notice two technical objections, one that the subpoena commands attendance before the grand jury itself. This is wholly unsubstantial. According to ancient practice the grand jury having no power to administer oaths, the witnesses came into open court, were sworn there, and then orally commanded to go before the grand jury: 1 Chit. Or. Law 312, 313. This is noticed in the note to 7th Smith’s Laws 686, and the practice of other states recommended to be adopted, of sending the witnesses at once before the grand, jury, and saving the time of the court. Accordingly long ago a law was passed (now incorporated into the Criminal Procedure Act of 1860) authorizing the foreman to administer the oath. The witnesses are now sent immediately up. The subpoena, therefore, under the seal of the court, tested by the judge and signed by the clerk, was strictly correct in commanding the witnesses to appear before the grand jury. It is the written, instead of oral, order of the court.
Another objection is that it states no parties. This is made without adverting to the fact that it is process awarded upon an inquiry, and before parties are known. The very purpose of the inquiry is to ascertain the parties to be presented for indictment. It is strictly proper and fully to the purpose, viz : “ To testify all and singular those things you shall know touching a certain investigation now being had on formal presentment by and before the said grand jury, relating to the late riot in July last in our said county.” This is sufficient for the purpose of inquiry. The remainder of the printed form used by the clerk ivas necessarily left a blank, there being no parties to be named in it. It was necessarily on the part, of the Commonwealth, for a defendant cannot appear with witnesses before the grand jury. It was asserted in argument that the grand jury had no special charge to ground the inquiry. This is wholly incorrect. I have read the able charge
Much space has been devoted to a vindication of the jurisdiction of the court and the province of a grand jury. But the lustre of this great common-law heritage for the protection and security of the people, aud the light it has borrowed from our own legislation, have been so dimmed by denial and obscured by doubt, it has seemed to be necessary. The labor, moreover, is not vain, for all this bears directly on the great question to be considered, to wit: the constitutional power of the court to require the Governor of the state to appear for examination before this arm of its jurisdiction.
We come now to this immediate question, and the first point to be noticed is the argument that he is exempt from a subpoena because he is a co-ordinate branch of the state government. What is coordination or equality of rank, under the constitution ? It is not the absolute independence of each. If it were, the end would be disorder, conflict, and finally disorganization. It is not absolute superiority each over the others, for then they Avould not co-exist in unity, as essential parts of the same common whole. The constitution is the written will of the people, in its entirety, and all its parts must necessarily cohere without jarring, in order to effectuate that Avill. Equality of rank implies no superiority, except in the exercise of the particular function confided to that rank. Co-ordination is merely the vesting of the separate functions of making, determining and executing laws, in different persons, that thereby the union of all in one person or body may not work injury to the public welfare. The Assembly cannot try causes or execute process, the Governor cannot legislate or decide judicial controversies, and the Judges cannot make and execute laws. This is the general distribution of the powers of the government, yet the constitution itself does not strictly adhere to it. Thus the legislature may make certain inquiries, and try certain cases, e.g., the election and. qualification of members, contempts, expulsions. The Governor approves or vetoes bills, and the courts superintend and enforce the execution of process. But from the very nature of co-ordination in one and the same government, and the distribution to each branch of its appropriate functions, each is necessarily supreme in its own department, for neither can freely exercise its proper functions if it can be obstructed by the other. For example, the judiciary
This superior function of the judiciary is to be seen in another aspect. There never was a time when it has not been engaged in passing upon the acts of both the other branches, in resolving the constitutionality and interpretation of laws, and the regularity of executive acts. This needs no citation of authority. “ It is idle,” says O. J. Gibson, “ to say the authority of each branch is defined and limited in the constitution, if there be not an independent power able and willing to enforce its limitation.” “ From its very position it is apparent that the conservative power is lodged with the judiciary, which, in the exercise of its undoubted right, is bound to meet every emergency.” “Ithas become,” he adds, “the duty of the court to temporize no longer, but to resist, temperately, though firmly, any invasion of its province, whether great or small De Chastellux v. Fairchild, 3 Harris 18. How futile would be the judicial power to punish crime, or vindicate innocence, if the Gov
And now we may crave aid from other sections of the Declaration of Rights. “ In all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right inter alia to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and in prosecutions by indictment or information, a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the vicinage Sect. 9. “All courts shall be open, and every man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation shall have remedy by due course of .law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial, or delaySect. 11. These may bo taken in connection with the 6th sect.: “ that trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate.” Trial as heretofore, we have seen, implies inquiry and indictment. Now, the private rights of individuals, as thus enforced, are manifestly not superior to the administration of public justice for the welfare of the people as set forth in the 2d sect, already quoted. Indeed, public rights are in many respects superior to individual rights, and the enforcement of the private right of a speedy trial implies the public duty, as well as right, to prosecute offenders, and consequently the means of doing so. Thus in every aspect the constitution, as the supreme law, commands the presence of every person, in private or official life, when his testimony is necessary for the due administration of justice. If, then, ho be liable to process, and bound to appear, it is a necessary corollary, that he is liable to attachment for his disobedience to the command of the law.
The argument ah inconveniente, that it is necessary the Governor should always be at the seat of government, is preposterous, in view of frequent visits elsewhere, of business, courtesy, and pleasure. The absence of the Governor in the Rocky Mountains, on his way to California, at the time of these riots, is an apposite example.
Coming now to the practical test of the question, let us return to the facts. There were
At this point the case of Gray v. Pentland, 2 S. & R. 23, may be noticed. There the deposition sent to the Governor affecting Pent-land’s character was a privileged communication, and protected by the Governor’s discretion, for otherwise he might be deprived of necessary information in the performance of official duty. Hence the court in an exercise of sound discretion would not compel its production. But, here, the authority of the Governor to call out
Analogies also prove -the truth of the general doctrine, that no officer, high or low, is above the demands of justice, or above the process of the law. For example, if the Governor’s pardon, or other official acts be forged, or stolen, or procured by fraud or duress, is it possible he is not liable to be summoned before a jury, grand or petit, inquiring into the fact ? His deposition cannot be taken in a criminal prosecution. Indeed there is no difference between a civil and a criminal issue, for the power to subpoena him to give his deposition is just as essential. So he is called to perform many acts of statutory duty. Is he exempt from subpoena when any of those acts become the subject of judicial inquiry ? And if by courtesy he be permitted to be excused, on what principle does this apply to his chief officers of state ? The cases in Pennsylvania abundantly prove that a mandamus will lie to them to compel the performance of ministerial duties : Griffith v. Cochran, 5 Binn. 87; Commonwealth v. Cochran, 6 Id. 456; Commonwealth v. Cochran, 1 S. & R. 473. So the court will restrain by injunction: Mott v. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 5 Casey 33, 41. Doubtless this court cannot interfere with the discretion of the Governor in the performance of any proper executive function, for in that his province is superior. Argument is not needed to prove this, yet it is the great work of the opposite opinion, while no labor is bestowed to vindicate the power of the Governor to obstruct the punishment of crime, by a refusal to testify. A subpoena to testify is not an interference with that discretion. It has the force of a summons or notice, not an arrest. This has been decided in two cases : United States v. Cooper, 4 Dall. 341, and Respublica v. Duane, 4 Yeates 347. In the former, Judge Chase said he knew of no privilege to exempt members of Congress from the service of a subpoena, though by the constitution they are exempt from arrest in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace. In the latter case, Judge Yeates, citing a similar provision in the constitution of the state, held that the service of a subpoena is not an arrest, and that the court may grant an attachment or not according to the existing circumstances. These decisions bear directly on the question before us, for as to members of the assembly there is an express provision against arrest- in all cases except treason, felony, breach and surety of the peace, and violation of their oath of office. Now the constitution makes no exemption whatever of the Governor, and he is brought directly within the maxim expressio vel desipnatio personae est exclusio alterius: Co. Litt. 210, a. The decision in Respublica v. Duane, supra, is, therefore, strongly in point. But
But assuming a case where the court would decline to compel the production of a paper or an answer to an oral question, it does not dispense with the Governor’s attendance for examination, unless no other ground were alleged. But how does the governor know in advance what will be the subject of his examination ? Non constat that any question will be asked on a privileged matter. If such be asked, he can decline answering and refer the privilege to the court, which will decide it, just as it will the privilege of counsel, without requiring disclosure of the matter itself. Its nature is all the court need know.
Another point may be noticed. It is said the imprisonment of the Governor under the attachment would leave the state without a head. The case is hardly supposable, for when the Governor knows it is his duty to obey he will do so. Certainly Governor Hartranft is not a gentleman who would be guilty of a voluntary contempt. If voluntarily guilty, he would deserve attachment for the dereliction of the law, which his own oath requires him to see faithfully executed. Impeachment, which has been insisted upon, is a harsher remedy; for the undeniable fact of his refusal to obey the process, would be the inevitable ground of removal from office. If, however, his disobedience be involuntary in consequence of pressing official duties, a court which would disallow his excuse would be visited
It is said the Governor is the representative of the people, and therefore not responsible. This is true of executive duties, for therein the constitution, the adopted will of the people, is his warrant of authority ; but it is untrue of judicial powers, for therein the judiciary represents the people, by the same warrant of authority ; and if ho violate the law, which it is the province of the judiciary to enforce by their authority, he is liable to the law. In a government of law instituted by a free people for their own benefit, there is no royal prerogative to do nothing wrong; and therefore there can be no representation of their dignity such as can strike down their law and prevent its administration by its appropriate functionary.
On no ground of the constitution, law, public justice, state policy, or sound reason, can I discover any exemption of any officer in the state, high or low, from the common duty all citizens owe to the due administration of justice. With these views, I cannot consent to rob tho judiciary of its constitutional powers, and exalt the executive above the demands of justice and the safety and welfare of the people. I cannot abnegate a power intrusted to me by the people, and will return to them a commission, soon to expire, unsullied by any dereliction of duty, or obeisance at the shrine of unwarranted power.
C. J. Agnew. — In my opinion I corrected the error of statement of counsel that there was no special charge to the grand jury committing to them the subject of the riots. Finding that the opinion of the court has followed the erroneous statement, 1 append hereto several paragraphs exhibiting the careful instruction of his Honor Judge Kirkpatrick, whose MSS. charge I have read, filling, on this particular subject, more than two columns of a newspaper closely printed in fine type, and containing the most special instructions on
“ A class of cases and offences, however, to which as yet I have made no allusion, compel themselves upon our attention, and which very recent events would seem to indicate, will of necessity have to be passed upon and considered by you. I allude, of course, to such cases as have their origin in and grow out of the recent riots and disturbances with which we are all, unfortunately, too painfully familiar. It is a matter of most unenviable notoriety that, on the occasion referred to, our always heretofore peaceable and law-abiding community was shocked and startled as by ‘ a fire bell at night,’ by the fact that upon the streets of this peaceful and peace-loving city a great riot was in full progress, which, in the numbers of its participants, the wide-spread extent of their operations, and in the absolutely appalling nature and character of its apparent results, was calculated to strike terror into the very heart of our community. It seemed, indeed, for a time at least, on that not soon to be forgotten mid-summer Sabbath day, as if the very rankest communism of Paris had been let loose in our midst, and that the bloused petroleuse of the faubourg San Antoine and the heights of MontMartre were at their work, and plying their terrible vocation in the very streets of Pittsburgh. Surely there are no terms and no forms of speech or expression too broad by which to speak of and denominate such crimes, and no punishment too severe which can possibly await their clearly proven guilty perpetrators.”
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“Let me now call your attention to a still darker page in the history of this ‘ reign of terror,’ and some of the crimes and consequences which followed from its brief existence. I allude to the events transpiring about the Union depot, the round-houses, Twenty-eighth street and their adjacent neighborhood. In so calling it a ‘ reign of terror,’ I speak advisedly and upon deliberation, for so to all who witnessed it, it certainly was. Eor if we had not with us in the flesh that triumvirate of infamy, Danton and Robespierre and Marat, we at least had them with us in spirit, brooding and hovering over our saturnalia of crime, and directing their most legitimate and bloody successors, whomsoever you may discover them to be, to destroy property, to commit pillage and riot, to light the incendiary’s torch, and to cause (as did they in the highways and byways of Paris) tlpe blood of innocent men and women, aye, and of children, too, to stain the stones and streets of this quiet and law-loving city.”
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“ ‘ This general duty, this universal obligation,’ continues the same learned Judge King, from whom we have already quoted, ‘ extends to the citizen soldiers,- who, in common with all other members of the community, are required to be assistant in the maintenance of the public peace on the call of the civil magistrate. They are subject to the same penalties in case of neglect or refusal to appear as any other citizen summoned by the sheriff. They do not on such occasions act in their technical character as military. When assembled, they are but a part of the sheriff’s posse, and act in subordination to and in aid of that officer, who is the true and responsible chief of all forces summoned under his authority. If the soldiers act in any manner not authorized by law they are amenable for such acts, not to the military but the civil law. In brief, as to all rights and authorities they stand on the same footing with other citizens summoned by the sheriff, and compose, with them, his posse.”