In the second item of the will of James H. ■Smith he devised certain land to his two daughters, Mrs. Jane E. Overton and Mrs. Mary O. Cowen. The third item of his will read as follows: “ I give and bequeath the balance of my lands, consisting of three hundred and fifty acres, to the following named heirs of my estate: to Mrs. Nancy A. McDonald’s children, names as follows, Mrs. E. B. Almand, Mrs. Martha L. Still, James M. McDonald, Benjamin B. McDonald, Howard 0. McDonald; to the heirs of H. E. Smith, Mrs. Elma M. Harper, William C. Smith,
It was insisted on the argument here that as the word “between ” was used after designating by groups the children of Mrs. McDonald and the heirs of H. F. Smith, and 'as this term could be properly employed, relatively to devisees, only with reference to
Judgment reversed.