Lead Opinion
Many objections to the decree, were urged in -the argument.
The first was, that Smith did not shew himself possessed of the equitable claim of Sims, upon Morgan: because, 1. he had not proved himself a creditor of Sims, since the evidence of Lee was secondary, speaking of a suit on a bond assigned by Sims to Smith, of which suit there must be a record, which being the highest evidence, was alone admissible : but, 2. if Smith had been a creditor in 1800, this debt must be presumed to have been paid before 1821, when he elected to take the land : or if not, 3. after such a lapse of time, and especially the death of the trustees, he had no right to take the land, nor'had the heirs of the surviving trustee any power to make a deed to him, the confi
As to the first, the language of the chancellor is, although the plaintiff may be permitted to assert this equity, to preserve it, yet his case was too defective, to entitle him to a final decree at that time.” I think the distinction here taken a very sound one. There may not be proof sufficient to establish a claim, nor exactly of that kind which is the best evidence the case will admit of; yet it may be such as to create a strong belief, and also to shew, that better and full evidence can be produced. In the case before us, the plaintiff had the deed of the heirs of the trustee, stating that he was a creditor of Sims; and he had the evidence of Lee, stating that he was a creditor: but, Lee adds, that he “ that.
Neither can I see, that the taking this deed from the heirs,of- Sims’s trustee, was a transaction within the letter odie spirit of the statute against buying and selling pretensed titles.. That law, as I have always understood it, means buying and selling legal, not equitable titles. In Wood v. Griffith, 1 Swanst. 43. lord Eldon says, “ It is extremely clear, that an equitable interest, under a contract of purchase, may be the subject of saleand after some further remarks, he adds, “ If I were to suffer this doctrine to be shaken, by any reference to the law of champerty or maintenance, I should violate the established habits of this court.” In our case, Sims’s original purchase from Morgan, was in 1797, before there was any adverse possession : but he did not get the legal title : he conveyed this equity in trust to pay his debts; and the plaintiff, a creditor, takes the deed from the heirs of the trustee, in order to carry into effect, the deed of his debtor, and obtain payment of his debt. Whether this effort be successful or not, there was surely nothing criminal in it.
The counsel for the appellants also objected, that, though there was no doubt of a contract for the land between Sims and Morgan, yet there is not such evidence of it, as equity will deem sufficient on a bill for specific execution: for Sims
It was also objected, that the chancellor erred in deciding that the marshal’s deed was not effectual to pass the title. The counsel admitted the general rule, that he who claims under one of these sales, founded on a forfeiture, must shew that the law had been strictly pursued; and that such titles, where (as in this case) 100,000 acres of land are bought for 54 dollars (the mere tax due on it) ought not to be encouraged : but yet he insisted, that the same presumptions from length of time, which govern other cases, would apply here also; and that, the defendants having been in possession under'the sale for twenty years, it ought to be presumed, that every pre-requisite of the law had been complied with. It has been decided-, in several cases, both in the federal court and in this, that an officer, who acts under a naked power, especially if by the exercise of that power the rights and property of others may be lost, must pursue his authority to the very letter, and that those claiming under his acts- must shew this, as nothing will be presumed. In Williams v. Peyton, the deed of the marshal made under this very act of congress, was decided not even to furnish primd facie evidence, that the advertisements Sic. required by the law, had been set up in the country, and published in the papers; and from the manner in which the question is treated there, it seems clear to me, that the court would have permitted no other presumption, than such as would be received as to any other link in the chain of title to real property, The chief justice, who delivered the opinion, says, “ It is a general principle, that the party who sets up a title must furnish the evidence necessary to support it. ' If the validity of a deed depends on an act in pais, the party claiming under that deed is as much bound to prove the perform
With respect to the order of account made by the chancellor, I think it neither incorrect nor premature. Its object was to ascertain, for the benefit of the defendants, principally, the amount of taxes they have paid, and the value of their improvements, as well as the rents and profits. It cannot, therefore, be said to disturb them ; for it is not probable, that a step will be taken in it, unless at their instance; and if the plaintiff should unnecessarily be the means of incurring costs in the case, the chancellor will have it in his power to make him pay all such costs, however he may decide the cause.
Upon every ground, therefore, I am for affirming tire decree.
Concurrence Opinion
I concur in the opinion of judge Carr, as to tire correctness of the decree, in all respects, excepting the requiring an account of rents and profits. In my opinion, it was premature, in the actual state of the cause, to order such an account to be rendered; since it may hereafter appear, upon the amended bill, that the plaintiff has not acquired any just right to Sims's equitable title to the land; and it is wrong to put the defendants to the trouble of rendering an account of rents and profits, till it be ascertained, that the plaintiff has a right to demand it. I am, therefore, for correcting the decree in this respect, and reversing it for this cause, and affirming it as to all things else.
As respects some of the objections taken to the decree, in the argument, the appeal to this court was certainly premature.
The chancellor having rightly decided, that the legal title. to the land in controversy, was in neither of the parties, the
The objections, that the claim upon Sims, accruing in 1800, ought to have been presumed paid in 1822, and to the title of the plaintiff under the deed of trust for the benefit of Sims’s creditors, the confidence in the trustees being personal, and not devolving on the heirs of the surviving trustee, from whom the plaintiff obtained his deed; are objections of the same character, and ought not to have been discussed until Sims’s heirs were made parties.
The other objections are of a different character and deserve more consideration.
The objection, that the purchase of the land, either by Sims from Morgan, or by the plaintiff from the trustees of Sims, was the purchase of a pretensed title, is not sustainable upon the facts in the case. At the time of the pur
Another objection was, that though there was a contract between Morgan and Sims, for the land, yet there is not such evidence of it, as equity will deem sufficient on a bill for specific execution, Sims never having been put into possession, and there being no written evidence of the terms of the contract, as to price &cc. If Morgan’s representatives were resisting this contract, I think this objection would be entitled to great weight. The title bond spoken of by Armistead from Morgan to Sims, ought to be produced, or its loss accounted for, and its contents proved. But the proof, I think, is full enough of the payment of the whole of the purchase money by Sims. Armistead swears, that Morgan put into his hands the patent and title bond to be delivered to Sims, in virtue of that contract. The insolvency of Sims, his death, and that of his trustees, and the lapse of so many years, might, with other circumstances, account for the non-production of the bond, even if Morgan’s representative was contesting the claim, and Sims’s representatives were also parties: but in the present state of the cause, the release of
The last objection to the decree was, that the deed from the marshal to the defendants, in virtue of the sale for taxes, was pronounced to be invalid. It was admitted, that, by the decisions both of the supreme court of the U. States, and of this court, a purchaser claiming under these deeds, must shew that all the requirements of the act of congress have been complied with; but it was insisted, that after the lapse of twenty years, compliance with the requirements of the act may be presumed, though the party be unable to prove it. If such a presumption were applicable to a case like this, the defendants could not avail themselves of it. When they purchased the land under the sale for the nonpayment of the taxes, they had full notice of the rights of Morgan; indeed, the purchase was made, to evade the title of Morgan, and to fortify their own. They were put on their guard, and ought to have preserved all the documents and proofs of their title under the deed. When an officer acts under a naked power, and the property of others is to be affected by his acts, it must be shewn, that he has acted in pursuance of his authority to the very letter. In Williams v. Peyton, the deed of the marshal under this-same act of congress, was held not to be even primd facie evidence, that the requirements of the act, previous to the sale, had been complied with: and from the manner, in which the question is treated in that case, it is pretty clear, that the court would have permitted no other presumption, than such as would be received as to any other link in the chain of title to real property. [This the judge shewed, by several parts of the opinion, which he quoted.] Neither is it fairly inferrible, from any part of the opinion of the court in that case, that if presumption in such a case were admissible, it would be allowed on a shorter lapse of time, than is required to found such presumption, where any other link in. the chain of title to real property, may be presumed, in the absence of proof otherwise indispensible. And that h* a
Upon tire whole, as the object of the decree was to preserve the equity of tire plaintiff under Sims, until it could be properly controverted by his representatives, the order that they be made parties was correct.
But I concur with judge Cabell, that the decree is wrong in the particular mentioned by him, and must for that cause be reversed.
The day after these opinions were delivered, the president mentioned, that the objection taken by the appellants, in their answer, that their twenty years possession was a bar to the assertion of the equitable right to the land claimed, by the bill, if it had been presented in the argument, had not been considered by the court; and that the point might now be argued.
It was spoken to accordingly. The case of Elmendorf v. Taylor, 10 Wheat. 152. was referred to; in which it was held, that twenty years adverse possession is a bar in chancery to the assertion of an equitable title, whenever it would bar an ejectment, if the plaintiff claimed the legal title. The principle was not contested: the only debate was, whether it was applicable to this case.
The president afterwards announced, that the court saw no reason to alter its decree. The reporter was afterwards, informed, that the court did not think it necessary, in the present state of the case, to decide the point.